This is a General Conference Odyssey post for the Priesthood session of October 1982.
In this session, a bishop and his assistant, from Ohio, were asked to speak. Unusual circumstances, to say the least. The bishop listed some important qualifications meant for young men to fulfill their duties in the Aaronic Priesthood. But reading these simply made me think of the ministering we have all been called to do in creating a quality people.
1—Every ward needs a Sister McManaway
He explained how she “demanded,” “insisted,” perhaps just had a “strong influence” on getting the real work done. That the phrase “talk’s cheap” doesn’t fulfill the duty. That, maybe a feeling of love is what turns that cheap talk into something of quality.
2—Use your priesthood executive committee and Relief Society
Today we have a ward council that must be aware of most situations in a ward in order to take appropriate action. We also need to see the Elder’s Quorum and Relief Society ferreting out family concerns, dealing with many of those issues themselves and in their quorums and giving the more personal cases to the bishop. These two groups are still figuring out how best to work with one another, which will, in turn, help the bishop and all members of the ward.
3—Fill our youth program with quality people
I interpret “quality people” as go-getters and action types, people with vibrant and valiant testimonies. While some naturally choose this way, others can be molded, encouraged, and taught, if they are loved into it.
4—Don’t overlook your Primary
See what I mean? We need to be creating quality people by having a concerned and active ward council who is serving and strengthening the entire ward.
5 & 6—Encourage a tradition of Eagles and Missionaries
My, how times have changed! The new youth program coming out will likely focus our youth to be quality missionaries; quality men and women.
7 & 8—Review Stewardships and conduct regular interviews
One of the main duties of the bishop is to interview each youth in the ward, every year. Then, of course, he’s interviewing missionaries, baptism and priesthood candidates, not to mention some callings, counseling the personal issues, as well as Tithing settlement. No wonder he needs the Elders Quorum and Relief Society presidents to help more than ever before! Every leader in the ward needs to be conducting quality interviews regularly in order to create quality people, right? And all of this interview stuff is really called ministering.
9—Encourage participation in seminary
Seminary is important for the youth. But what is really important is studying the scriptures and gathering strength from Jesus Christ.
Then, this bishop shared an experience. There were two priests that weren’t coming out to church, so the priests decided to go to each of their homes and hold their quorum meeting there. After that, the boys started coming out regularly because they felt something.
Reading about this experience made me feel the love these boys must have experienced. It also made me wonder what I could do, that is perhaps nontraditional, to reach out to people in love. Some convincing has to take place; getting out of my comfort zone and putting myself out there but doing it out of a motivation of love more than anything else. Surely, I can help create quality people simply by reaching out and loving them.