What is the difference between our Relief Society and a Society organized by a bunch of women? With all the truth we have been flooded with, what are we, as women of God, doing with it? I have learned for myself this answer: We are in partnership with the men to bring exaltation to all the children of God. The women bring children into the world and the men administer the saving ordinances (which all must receive). Together we nurture, teach, and raise up all mankind to stand before the Lord. Relief Society Origins.
According to Eliza R. Snow, Joseph Smith explained that a Women’s Organization has always existed alongside the Priesthood, since the beginning of the world. Elect Lady Think about that: The women in God’s church have always been organized to perform their purpose. Joseph Smith said himself that “the Church was never perfectly

organized until the women were thus organized.” Sarah Granger Kimball That means Eve organized her daughters; Sarah, her womenfolk. For me, that paints a picture of importance in the structure of our Church, and a weighty responsibility. I believe that responsibility was unveiled in the first Relief Society meetings where a vision was played out. The Minutes to the very first Relief Society Meeting.
When Emma Smith was called as the First Relief Society President of this dispensation, she was called an Elect Lady (D&C 25). An Elect Lady, or RS president, is not given keys of the priesthood, but she is given authority to act through the priesthood, and coordinate counsel alongside the brethren of the church. The Priesthood and the Relief Society We are all potentially Elect Ladies, who, upon entering the waters of baptism, have made an oath and covenant to serve God with the authority granted according to our callings. Faith and the Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood These oaths include our baptismal covenants, our temple covenants, and everything in between. It is the same for the men.
At baptism, we willingly take upon us the name of Jesus Christ, we will always remember Him and we are willing to keep His commandments. Each week we partake of the Sacrament and renew that promise with its solemn reward of having the Spirit always to be with us (Moroni 4:3). We also are willing to bear one another’s burdens, mourn with those that mourn, comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and stand as witnesses of God in all ways, even until death (Mosiah 18:8-9). As well, we should look forward, with one eye, having one faith and one baptism, having our hearts knit together in unity and in love one towards another (Mosiah 18:21). Every child of our Heavenly Father has this directive. We are commanded to use our innate gifts and foreordained responsibilities to accomplish these tasks—or proof of our desires—on this earth.
Joseph came to the first RS meetings many times to organize and place in order the Relief Society. He wanted the women to understand their proper place in the eternities. It was at a much higher place than the women saw themselves. When Joseph announced that he was turning the key to the Relief Society, the women realized their own direct conduit to the Lord to do what we saw fit in His Holy name. Just as Moses, Elias, and Elijah came to Joseph to give him the keys of this dispensation, Joseph gave authority to the women to do their part in the kingdom.
There is a good example, in the Nauvoo Relief Society Minutes, of how the women used their authority early on. During that first meeting, as Joseph announced the formation of the Relief Society, he stepped down and let the new president and her counselors step to the front and conduct the meeting. As the meeting progressed, there came a discussion about what to call this new society. The men wanted “Benevolent Society” and Emma wanted “Relief Society.” The men backed down understanding this society ultimately belonged to the women and they had the authority to make these decisions. I believe Emma saw into the future the magnificent organization we would become and are today.
We Are All Relief Society. Indeed, we are no ordinary society. It doesn’t matter where, or how we serve, but that we serve, and devote our lives to the cause of truth. We are great women serving alongside great men.
We carry salvation on our lips. We carry the work of love in our hands and arms. We carry eternity in our eyes and in our hearts. Let us leave the world behind, make ourselves known for good, and influence others to come along.
The Minute Book is now online at Joseph Smith Papers. (You will be able to find the confrontation between the men and the women about the name of the organization in the first few pages of the Minute Book.)
Thanks a lot for sharing this history to everyone and your effort in researching this. It’s really that inspiring and spirit moving to every relief society sister. Being the president in our unit for almost five years now it’s really that rewarding experience and a blessing to me cause I had the opportunity to show my gratitude to our Heavenly Father by serving to the best that I can. It also helped me spiritually and temporally.
Thanks you so much for posting this article,it has help to open my eyes more clearly how important my calling is as a relief society president.
Thank you for taking a look. As presidents in this organization, I’m sure you are always seeking ways to help in your responsibility. I hope you come back and look for other post topics for further helpful ideas.
And I also hope there are those out there who may not be in a leadership position, but feel the Spirit of Relief Society and desire to carry out her responsibility as a member. That’s a much larger force, and we need to help wherever we stand.
I am enjoying going through your site on the history of Relief Society. One thing that has come to our attention is that the sisters today do no know or understand how important it was for Sister Barbara Smith to stand against the Equal Rights Ammendment and how that has affected the understanding of the role of women. You do not have a mention of this on your site. Do you have any information pertaining to this time. 1974 to 1984. Thank you! Sister Hill
You are right, many sisters don’t understand the importance of all that has been timely in the history and defense of our sisterhood. Search for my post on the Equal Rights Amendment, as well as the many suffrage posts.
I will soon be adding my bio on Barbara Smith.
I am so thankful you have taken the time to set up this helpful and inspirational website. I recognize was a labor of love and sacrifice it has been for you to do this and I want to make sure you know that your efforts are blessing the lives of sisters all over the world. I am serving as a ward RS president in Europe and I appreciate having this resource available.