Man and Woman in Hebrew–Another Look

The Destiny of Woman and Man as symbolically depicted in Hebrew – Another Look.


Jehovah or Jesus Christ’s name in Hebrew is:  יהוה


Sometimes Jehovah’s names is abbreviated: יה


The Yod or י means hand of God, but also represents the masculine characteristics of God. While the Hey or ה, when used at the end of most Hebrew words, represents the female gender of the word.


Interestingly, the words for Man and Woman in Hebrew are identical except for these two characters.


Man in Hebrew is pronounced `ish and looks like this:




With a Yod or י in the middle.


Woman in Hebrew is very similar and is pronounced `isha and looks like this:




With a Hey or ה at the end.


When our Heavenly Father created man and woman, they both are created with Aleph or אand Shin or ש. The Aleph, which represents God and His attributes, and Shin which represents the burning bush, tree of life or spirit. So both man and woman are created with the same God-like attributes and His spiritual qualities. Then He places the masculine characteristics into Man or the Yod in the middle of אישand the feminine characteristics in אשהor Woman so that both share divine origins and attributes, but have distinct roles and differences so that together they can become one.


In Moses chapter 5, Adam expresses sorrow for “my transgression” and Eve expresses the same sorrow saying “our transgression”.  Richard G. Scott gave a great talk on the difference between man and woman in the November 1996 Ensign called, The Joy of Living the Great Plan of Happiness.  Man and woman were created differently, but with the potential to work in tandem toward the same goal.  That means both have to give and take, push and pull, protect and defend.  They need to be opposite in order to unite in glory.


See an earlier posting on this same topic for more insights.