In Sept. 1999, under Pres. Mary Ellen Smoot’s Presidency, we were given a declaration that encompassed all the ideals, goals, and purposes of the Relief Society.
The declaration lists all of the good works established as Relief Society sisters. And as individual RS presidencies organize the women under them, it would serve them well to draw from this list.
We are encouraged to go to our Bishops and align goals and purposes with the High Priest Quorum. But, inspiration plays an important role here as all leaders have the right to follow the direction they receive. The Priesthood leaders would be wise to invite the sisters to speak up and share their concerns and together they fulfill the needs of their ward.
The purposes of Relief Society, from the beginning were originally outlined in The Minute Book, which came about from the meetings held in Nauvoo. In particular, the meetings where Joseph Smith spoke to the women of eternal perspectives is of importance.
Pres. Smoot used this early record to formulate the Declaration. Pres. Julie Beck created a three-word package that explains clearly why our Relief Society organization exists and what we are to focus on:
Most recently, Pres. Linda Burton gathered these three words into a single Purpose statement:
Relief Society helps prepare women for the blessings of eternal life as they increase faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ and His Atonement; strengthen individuals, families, and homes through ordinances and covenants; and work in unity to help those in need.
Our motto was created by Pres. Emmeline Wells: Charity Never Faileth
Relief Society colors were formally adopted by Pres. Louise Robison: Blue and Gold
We owe much to our RS presidencies over the years. They have led us and guided us to always remember what Joseph Smith originally told the women,
Sisters of this Society, shall there be strife among you? I will not have it–you must repent and get the love of God. Away with self righteousness. The best measure or principle to bring the poor to repentance is to administer to their wants–the Society is not only to relieve the poor, but to save souls.
I didn’t know about the Relief Society Theme. It is great though. Is it referenced on lds.org anywhere?
It is formally called a Declaration (I have corrected my post where I used the word “theme”. If you do a search-Relief Society Declaration-on lds.org you will easily find it, including talks surrounding it.
Perfect. Thanks. I found it on lds.org. I wanted to read a bit more about it.
We do stand and recite it memorized or reading each week in Releif Society. Next year we are taking it apart phrase by phrase to use for our 1st Sunday lessons. Enjoy!
Are we allowed to recite the relief society declaration in Sunday R/S meetings?
I was told we weren’t allowed is that correct?
I have never heard that we CAN’T recite the declaration. I have heard that announcements need to be as short as possible; lesson time is to be maximized.
I have one question: Why was the Declaration written if not to affect our lives in some way? It is apparent to me that Relief Societies are looking for a theme. The Declaration covers the important things we should be about, and I believe it is a guide to help us stay on track and if it helps us to remember these things we can take 1 minute out of our announcement time to recite it, as long as we manage the rest of our available time.
This is, however, my own opinion.
We are asked NOT to recite the theme as the young women recite theirs each Sunday. The theme was meant to be a statement to a express verbally or visually our inner compass if you will. Through inspiration the Relief Society has continually sought to give us tools to better direct ourselves individually and as a sisterhood. As adult women we are able to reference this beautiful statement in our personal scripture study, in conversation and in formal lessons.
I love that so many sisters around the world seek knowledge and engage in conversation regarding our purpose and commitments; especially through this wonderful knew technology that links us spiritually even though so far apart physically.
I just want to clarify something, here. I was confused about all this too, so I went down to the RS Building and asked. I was told that it was our choice.
Sis. Smoot introduced the Declaration to us. The Declaration is not emphasized at this time, although it is available to anyone interested in using it in their own wards.
Sis. Beck is emphasizing our need to rely on Personal Revelation. In other words, if we make it a matter of prayer to recite the Declaration in our ward, it’s okay. If we make it a matter of prayer to do anything, we should follow that inspiration. The important thing here is to look at the needs of your sisters. Your ward should focus on those needs, whatever they are, creating a unique enriching group of women.
As sisters seek after a more spiritual nature, I hope they won’t STOP something that seems to be working. Spiritual boosts are really what we are looking for here. If that comes from reaching out to one another in creative ways, let’s do it.
I had just been called as a stake RS president when the RS declaration was first issued, and I clearly recall a talk being given in which the general RS presidency at that time directly said that we were not to recite the declaration in RS meetings as the YW do their theme. However, I can’t recall in exactly which talk or conference this statement was made, as it’s been quite some time, and I have searched lds.org for this reference. Do any of you know? I’d very much like to find that, as I know I remember them saying that clearly & specifically, and yet I can’t find it. If any of you know which talk that was or if you find / run across, please post that. Thank you.
dear sister like this is wonderful to know the father’s love for us after the comferencia could feel the great love of our heavenly father I hope you are well and I remember I am the sister of peru tania greetings to your beautiful family
Yes, of course I remember you. I hope your family is well.
Pres. Thomas S Monson in the introduction of Hanbook 2 said, “there is safety in the handbook.” We should follow 9.4.1 on how Sunday Relief Society meetings should be conducted. Yes! Relief Society presidents and bishops receive revelation on how to lead their own local units but the church is organized and we should follow the handbook, there is safety in it.
I have moved from my old ward and in this new ward, we stand up every Sunday and cite the Relief Society declaration which when I was in the old ward, I was taught that its for us to learn and live but not to stand up and cite like YW but now in this new ward, I do NOT know who is right or wrong, so I say FOLLOW THE HANDBOOK…
Well said. I just went to a Relief Society Auxiliary meeting where the single most repeated problem was not referring to the Handbook for answers. It isn’t that there is a right and a wrong way to do things necessarily. It’s that we need to follow the same program. I knew a member of a Bishopric who started reading a Christ-focused scripture right before the Sacrament Hymn, so people had something to think about during the Sacrament. Nice idea, but the Stake President asked him to stop, because it was not following the Handbook.
If it’s uncomfortable for you to do this you have a few choices: You could walk into the meeting a little late. You might suggest to the President this may not be appropriate (I do not recommend this, because you WILL get labeled, being new in the ward (sad, but true). You could just put up with it, because it will change with a new presidency.
jtolman, THANK YOU SO MUCH, I feel heard! I googled to see if I am missing something about the dear Relief Society declaration and I found your website. I remember in March of 2011, one woman went to Utah to visit her daughters, came back and said to me in the hallway, “I don’t know why we don’t stand up to cite the declaration, they (don’t know exactly where in Utah) stand up to do it!” I replied, “And YOU think its the right way because people do it in Utah? Utah people use the same handbook and attend the same church as people in the Pacific!” When I joined this church, I learned that everything needed for my salvation is revealed. It really helped because I used to sit in meetings, where when people did NOT know the answers, they said, “well, remember, NOT everything has been revealed.” THANK YOU AGAIN!! Nah! I won’t go late to the Relief Society because I do NOT agree with the practice of citing the declaration. I will take the advice of approaching the president appropriately and AFTER I talk to her, I will forever hold my peace…
Do we still use the RS declaration or has it been replaced by the new 3 purposes of RS, that come in poster and bookmark form? Does anyone know?
It seems we don’t formally use the declaration anymore. But as a Relief Society history buff, I hope we find a way to remember the declaration, and anything of good report, that helps us remember who we are, where we came from, and where we’re going.
We are having all the sisters in RS tomorrow and I was wondering about the declaration, as we haven’t heard much about it lately! I orderd the new book mark which is The Relief Society Purposes…..I know Sister Beck had said this was to simplify and clarify and translate into all languages. We have never repeated the declaration as any sort of ‘tradition’ I guess I won’t start now. It was not easy to find on lds.org, for me! Not in the RS section…anyway, I love we have a living, growing, church and practices change, but principles don’t! Have a good Mother’s Day, for those of you who are celebrating tomorrow!
Any thing i recite the relief soceity theme and our motto which said “charity never faileth” i thought of how people i have showed love,because we are all spirit children of our heavenly father and we strving for exaltion,i know that God will help us.
who wrote it….how was it introduced and when
Here is where you can see, and listen to, each of the talks given at the General Relief Society Meeting of General Conference in October 1999.
Pls send me that declaration and all news for Relief Society
please send ne th logo of relief society.