The number ten in Hebrew is very significant. Every Hebrew letter has a numerical equilivant. The Hebrew character or letter that equals ten is a Yud and looks like this: י, it is the smallest Hebrew letter. The symbolical meaning of the Yud is God’s Hand, meaning how God’s Hand works or interacts in our lives. Because the Yud is the smallest character in the Hebrew alphabet, it symbolically says that God’s Hand is always there but never forces us. The more humble and spiritual we are, God’s Hand can have more influence in our lives to be directed according to His will.
The Hebrew word for the number ten is pronounced, `eser and looks like this:
The first character is the `ayin, ע, and symbolically means to see, eye, discern, or divine providence.
The second character is the Shin, ש, and symbolically means the tree of life, burning bush, God’s spirit, etc.
The third character is the Resh, ר, and symbolically means a humble or penitent man like he is bending over in prayer.
So even the word for the number ten in Hebrew has a similar message, if we will be humble, we shall have the spirit to see or discern between right and wrong, truth and error, light and darkness so that we can partake of the fruit of the tree of life or arrive at the burning bush or the presence of God. Hence, if we are humble God’s Hand can direct our lives so that we can return and live with Him again.
I’m getting this symbol tattooed on the inside of my lip!
I have to say, I’m sorry to hear that.
In our True To The Faith Handbook (published by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints), it says:
Latter-day prophets strongly discourage the tattooing of the body. Those who disregard this counsel show a lack of respect for themselves and for God. The Apostle Paul taught of the significance of our bodies and the danger of purposefully defiling them: “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are” (1 Corinthians 3:16–17).
This act is against the very meaning of this Hebrew number.
I just want to say that is very edifying the research you have done the Holy Spirit has really
Led you. What is even more significant is if you goto Psalms chpt.119 vss.121-128, &153-168 it lines up with what your implying and i thank GOD for true men of GOD like you. Have a truly Blessed life man
of GOD.
Great read, will visit this site often – BOOKMARKED!
Recently I went through a very difficult time — a divorce after 22 years of marriage. I have never cried or hurt so much in my whole life. I love God and couldn’t understand why it was happening. About the same time I began to find dimes everywhere. It was the strangest thing …. They were always by themselves or in groups of other dimes — not just a bunch of change lying around. I took it to symbolize the number 10 was significant in what I was going through. Your thoughts are interesting. Others have suggested that it’s the number of completion, though I’m not suggesting God endorses divorce. (I know God hates divorce but I also know He loves people.) I can’t explain it; all I know is that I still ocassionally find them when I’m pondering God’s ways. It always serves as a reminder that even though I am very far from perfect that He loves me and He’s not forgotten about me.
This is a very sweet and tender story. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. Isn’t it wonderful to know that God speaks to us in ways we can understand, and that his messages are personal to us?
This number 10 is found in Akkadian as ešret. In Biblical Hebrew it is found as עשר [E]SeR or עשרה [E]SeRaH. In Muchik, a South Amerindian language ten is sirti.
I think that ‘eser’ is aether.
The Hebrew for “The Ten Sephiroth” gives the number 1331 = 11*11*11 symbolising the three columns.
That’s why we believe there is some truth in all religions. But not all religions have all truth. That is what each person must seek after.
The truth is that only faith in Jesus Christ can save us from our sins and be accepted into heaven. There is no other way! Give your life to him today.
I was reading the book of Job and noticed in the first few verses that when the author is saying how many sons and daughter and live stock etc. It always added up to 10. 7 sons & 3 daughters etc. Thought its amazing how even before the main story is told we know God has his hand over everything down to the last lamb.
May sound silly but God gives me pictures,and dreams,had dream I was seting a table for 10,I find the refrances to the no 10 in the
Bible very interesting.and need to pray and ask God why he would show me very clearly the no 10.Also in worship time,the picture of a light bulb it was lit up but next to it was a switch,I know God is the light of the world,what is He saying to me ?any thoughts.thankyou
Dreams are a very personal thing. You never know when clarity will come to you, so keep your eyes open. An opportunity to understand will come.
@betty troy brewer is really good with the whole understanding of numbers thing…
@betty the light is speaking of yeshua (the light of the world, a lamp to your path, ( the example we follow) yeshua IS. The Way, The Truth The LIFE. HE IS THE LIVING TORAH. TORAH IN HEBREW, IS REPRESENTED BY TEN!!!! Thats what his spirit is saying to you. Xo. “The ancient ways”it speaks of in the word (torah) Now, is the time, when we will worship him, in spirit, with understanding! In truth. Yeshua came to COMPLETE the torah, not to take away from it. If we follow the “hebrew feasts” as yeshua did, not all the religious extras, since added on, he will honour his own words…i will put my torah within your HEART. Not as legalistic requirements. Following the feasts, especially “shabatt” hebrew calendar makes shabatt on a saturday because their daytime starts at sundown the day before, and ends the following sundown. Many “patterns” in the feasts that unravel mysteries of the word, sooo exciting! Yeshua “redeemed us, forgiving us of our independant ways. He allowed us to come to him, to live out our days honouring his true name. Not jesus (greek name) but… Yeshua (corect hebrew name) He is the son of the father, hence Ye-shua, (son) Yeh-weh (the father) notice beginning of both names, start the same. (They are one of the same in different forms. The Ruach (female, holy spirit/wisdom) This is the time! Worldwide his ruach (spirit) is drawing, Israel (not the nation ISRAEL, but the other tribes (12 in full) that were dispersed throughout the whole world. Mixed into every nationality.(This happened when the people of Yehweh followed after other nations gods. He stopped fighting for them, punished for a set time. That time is finished, hes calling us out of man infested religion thats half truths. With no power.To the original, hebrew truths lifestyle, honouring a “living elohim”. His true name. Theres power in the name, tuning into his spirit in a humble honourable way, not like a fix . His word says: (not me) that those that honour his name and follow torah (=means: loving instructions of the father) will have a “seal” upon their foreheads. Google “shabatt” and “seal on their foreheads” Hes calling us out of churchs and back into, his ancient paths. His way, not mans. His spirit backing his word, his name. His hebrew interpretation of his words. Quite different some of it, to what has been taught. Xo. Hope this excites you. Im never on this site? So guessing, father is drawing you.
Yud = 10 = God’s ✋ (from above)
Ayin= See
Shin= God’s Spirit
Resh= (as)Head
@Fiona, you truly blessed me with your message! Thank you for being obedient to the spirit and writing that powerful message!!
Amazing revelation!!! Blessings to you all. Today is 2/22/22 = 10, Yah hand is moving in the world against all darkness and satanic manipulations. We’re in the era of deception, where man will be lover of themselves not honoring and being obedient to the one and only creator of things but his hands is still in it all, he gets the glory at the end of it!!!
I had a dream last night, writings kept appearing on the wall, couldn’t make them up, the writings appeared again, I could see the beginning of phone numbers, at the end of the page it almost appeared like a court document/decree. As I tried to read the numbers, I asked my husband to write the numbers. I woke up.
I had a dream of the end of all days, there were plagues and I was told 10 days, anyone have a good interpretation?