“As Primary President, I wanted to emphasize Humanitarian Aid, so even though the theme was Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, I modified it to Showing our Faith in Jesus Christ by Serving Others.

Everyone helped throughout the year. The Sunbeam teacher brought a box of band aids so her kids could put their little band aid contribution in our collection box. The Achievement Day girls made activity boxes. The Cub Scouts prepared our school bags, made chalkboards, and filled the kits. Our Boy Scouts sanded wood and made toys and Jacob’s Ladders. Young Women made quilts. One evening all of the Primary classes went around the neighborhood collecting donated items. It was quite a sight watching teachers, with their little charges following behind like little ducklings, going from house to house carrying items.
Every Sunday our collection boxes were filled with various items people had worked on during the week or purchased for us to use in a kit. ”