Innovative Women of God

When the “key was turned” by Joseph Smith, we, women of the Relief Society, were given knowledge and power to go where we were needed, to do what we needed to do, to step in, to uplift, to teach, to motivate, to bless, to create, to benefit, and to relieve in the way we see fit.

This is a spiritual organization, unlike anything else on the earth.

But, sometimes I see women afraid to step out of the box.  They’re afraid to make suggestions to their priesthood leaders, waiting for an assignment before moving forward.  I have to say, I have a problem with this.

Being women, we are not under the thumbs of our leaders.  We are co-creators, inventors, leading in our own right.  Look at what the early Relief Society sisters accomplished.  They used their innovation and influence in every aspect of the community.  The Spirit led them to do things that had never been done before.  These women were bright and clever and fearless.   Do women like them still exist?


I’ve mentioned before Rose Ann Gunther, from American Fork, Utah.  Thanks to her we have those amazing kits we have all made for the Humanitarian Center.  It was her brainchild.  It was her innovation.  One woman.  One idea.

I stand in awe of those who lead us out; who are wind-tunnels to the Spirit, forging in unknown territory, but inviting all to join and benefit from.

There are others of you out there.  Some of you have been successful in your inspirations, others may be a little shy to speak up.  Some of you might not get the support you hoped for.

Do not be discouraged.  Do not back off in fear.  Do not be so forceful, things get ugly.

Do let the Spirit be your guide.  If you are feeling an urge to step into a new direction, follow that urge.  Be organized.  Call upon the talents around you.  Include everyone you can.  Approach the brethren with a complete vision and invite them to pray about it.  Call in favors, if necessary.  Keep at the Brethren fearlessly, rationally, and boldly.  Sometimes they need a little prodding, but they will have faith in us, if we are faithful in turn.

I am humbled when I see one woman, or an army of women, doing something in the name of the Lord.  We have been commanded to march forth and prepare a people.  We can’t do that sitting down.  May we stand tall, reaching toward the light, as we share our talents, connect with the Spirit, join the fold, do what we were born to do, and help one another prepare for the Second Coming and all that that entails.