When the original Nauvoo Relief Society disbanded in 1844, the women stopped formally meeting together. But, the spirit of women cannot be hushed. Groups of women still managed to meet. They were still concerned for the poor, for one another, and for the needs of the community.
In 1847, while the Saints gathered in Winter Quarters, there was a profusion of women’s meetings. Eliza reported in her journal on April 1847, “Had a rejoicing time thro’ the outpouring of the spirit of God. All hearts comforted.” Again, in the Salt Lake Valley, when they first arrived, small groups met in private homes. Eliza Snow and Patty Sessions initiated meetings where women presided and conducted business, although there was no formal organization.
The Female Council of Health was formed in 1851, separate from the group that included men because there were certain subjects women felt uncomfortable discussing in front of the men. Here midwives would discuss health issues. Soon, a variety of women were interested in the subject, and in bettering the community. The group met twice a month in the Old Tabernacle where they enjoyed a social and spiritual interchange and set goals in providing health needs for the poor.
As the Saints settled into the community, Brigham Young was adamant that the House of Israel be preached to and included into the religion of the Saints. Some women felt that the logical way to bond with the House of Israel (Indians) was to make clothing and rugs for the women and children. The Thirteenth Ward was the first to adopt the name “Female Indian Relief Society”.
Eventually, by the mid-1850s, twenty-two Indian Relief Societies would be organized, mostly in Salt Lake City, but as well, in outlying settlements. Groups would gather to pay dues, offer prayers, and conduct business. The women met from 9 am to 4 pm, on a specified day of the week. Rugs were initially made to be sold. With that money they were able to purchase other needed materials. It appears the initiators of the Indian Relief Societies were not prominent women in the LDS community. Yet, their efforts are on record as being groundbreaking and important.
As well, the Thirteenth Ward women entered into a covenant:
“That we speak no evil of each other nor of the authorities of the Church but endeavor by means in our power to cultivate a spirit of union, humanity, and love.”
It is so interesting to me that these two points (being kind to one another and supporting the Brethren) are always mentioned in these early days. I also marvel at the initiative of the Thirteenth Ward, especially noting that Emmeline Wells, among other innovative women, resided in that ward.
It is impossible to note how the Indians faired from the noble generosity of the women. Clearly, the ones most benefitted were the sisters themselves.
In 1855, Brigham Young notified all bishops to allow the women to organize themselves for the purpose of aiding the poor. It was the sisters who provided clothing, blankets, and even shelter for the destitute survivors of the handcart treks of 1856.
After Eliza R. Snow suggested to Brigham Young that women form again under his direction, in 1867, Pres. Young finally asked Eliza to travel around the territory teaching both the Bishops and the women about the Relief Society. Years later, it would be fully reestablished.
Eliza’s vision of Relief Society, which she taught as she organized, included spiritual dimensions in addition to compassionate service. She was able to teach the broader vision, to proceed aggressively while retaining priesthood sanction, and to spread enthusiasm throughout the female membership.
From an article written by Richard L. Jensen, “Forgotten Relief Societies, 1844-67”, Dialogue Magazine, Spring 1983
Do you have any suggestions where I can find pictures to download about the last 169 years of Relief Society? Your information on the General RS presidents has been great. I wish you had given source information but I am grateful for your website. I am putting together a presentation for the Birthday celebration. On the church website they say they are going to publish something in 2011 but that won’t help me in March.
I’ve tried to give you some of the resources I’ve used, but so much of the information is scattered, it was through many random sources that I came up with most of my posts. You are welcome to take any of the information you find on this blog. As for pictures, you might search through the Ensign, on lds.org. There have been many articles written over the years, and the Ensign always has beautiful pictures. Also, a general search on-line may turn up some older buildings, people, and such.
For an event for our Relief Society, we wanted to have sisters read journal entries from past members of the Church. We wanted to find journal entries that talked about how Relief Society had helped them. I am having trouble finding journal entries that do much more than mention Relief Society. Can you point me in the right direction?
That is a tall order. There isn’t anything published that specifically capitalizes on testimonies of the Relief Society, but there are some great books on some very great women. Look for Women’s Voices (Godfrey and Derr), Women of Character (Black and Woodger), and Women of Faith (Turley and Chapman). These books quote from journal entries from early sisters. Women of Faith has additional biographies in an ebook, in addition to the book. I wrote about Elizabeth Ann Whitney (ebook). She wrote something that has changed how I look at Relief Society. Here it is:
“The Relief Society then was small compared to its numbers now, but the Prophet foretold great things concerning the future of this organization, many of which I have lived to see fulfilled; but there are many things which yet remain to be fulfilled in the future of which he prophesied, that are great and glorious; and I rejoice in the contemplation of these things daily, feeling that the promises are sure to be verified in the future as they have been in the past. I trust the sisters who are now laboring in the interest of Relief Societies in Zion realize the importance attached to the work, and comprehend that upon them a great responsibility rests as mothers in Israel. President Joseph Smith had great faith in the sisters’ labors, and ever sought to encourage them in the performance of the duties which pertained to these Societies which he said were not only for benevolent purposes and spiritual improvement, but were actually to save souls.” Elizabeth Ann Whitney
There are some great visiting teaching stories in the Ensign over the years, as well.
Good luck with your event.