The Ninth Meeting of the Society met on May 26th, 1842.
“Meeting opened with singing ‘How Firm a Foundation’. Prayer by Coun. Cleveland. Mrs. Prest. Not present. House full to overflowing.”
Councillor Whitney rejoiced in the numbers present and the show of faith with their works from the donations offered. Joseph and Emma walked in and Joseph began teaching.
Quoting from Ezek. 14, he preached that everyone needs to stand on their own in accepting God. If they choose idols, they will fall. He also warned that females possess a sensitivity that can make them zealous, which can be dangerous and cause rigidity. Women must be armed with mercy toward those struggling, or on probation. “With deep feeling, said that they are our fellows, we loved them once. Shall we not encourage them to reformation? The unworthy are among us.”
The Society should encourage one another toward righteousness. He had two things to recommend to the Society:
1) Put a double watch over the tongue. (See Lesson #39 of the Joseph Smith Manual where more quotes are recorded from this meeting, on this topic.)
2) “Ye shall do the work which ye see me do. These are the grand key words for the Society to act from.”
Emma then stood up and said all idle rumors and idle talk must be laid aside. She wanted none in this Society who had violated the laws of virtue.
I am beginning to see why these Minute notes were meant to become our Constitution. In them, hold the expectations, the directives, the purpose of our Relief Society.
The Minute Book is now online at Joseph Smith Papers.