Let’s examine the word stone or rock in Hebrew, it is eben and looks like this:
The Aleph, א , is the first character in the Hebrew alphabet and represents God or Heavenly Father.
The Bet, ב , combined with the Nun, ן , means Son in Hebrew or Jesus Christ.
Hence, stone in Hebrew means the Father and the Son.
So when we are told in the New Testament (Luke 6:48) to build our house on a rock and not sand, we should build them on a foundation made up of the Father and the Son.
Another example in the New Testament is when Christ tells Peter in Matt 16:18:
“And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”
Interestingly, Peter, in Greek, means rock. Hence, the Church will be built upon a rock or upon the Father and the Son, the source of all revelation with Peter, a rock, as President of the Church, who represents the Father and the Son here on earth.
I am looking for the Hebrew word for ‘stone terrace’
Stone Terrace in Hebrew is: מרפסת אבן
Also, the threshing rock is where David envisioned the Holy of Holies of the temple. The fact that it was in the HofH over that rock that God revealed Himself to man has important meaning when Christ says to build on it and that the Church is built on it.
Since Jesus was speaking in Hebrew, not Greek, what is Peter in Hebrew? Is it Eben?
During Jesus’s mortal ministry he probably spoke aramaic which was the language of the day during New Testament times. He also probably knew and spoke hebrew. Peter is Petra in Greek which means rock or stone. Eben as you have indicated means stone.
Some say that Jesus spoke in the lower class language of Aramaic and that is the mistake.
Jesus spoke in high Hebrew and was teaching adult leaders of the Hebrew faith at 12 yrs old.
For accuracy and greater insight, look at the word in Hebrew. Besides, Jesus did not build His church on Peters name but rather his Faith that Jesus was indeed the Son of God.
God told his people not build anything for him, but instead he would build us a house in Glory.
Throughout the Old Testament, and many times in Psalms our Lord is referred to as The Rock. The stone the builders rejected it’s now become the Cornerstone. I believe that when he was facing Peter talking to him and he said on this rockd I believe he touched himself as instructions to Peter to build the church on what Jesus had been saying and teaching the last 3 years of his life. Without the lording over the people with strict Traditions that wood interfere with the true teaching that Christ wanted.
Kefa is Hebrew for Peter.
Yeah, okay
If rock is, Eben, why is Aleph used for E?
Aleph is a silent sounding consonant and takes on the sound of the vowel associated with it. That is why it is an E sound.
Wow I love hebrew especially wen studying the bible it’s just sooo interesting.
Wow this is cool about the rock meaning
I mean, I like the interpretation but it seems wrong. Aleph doesn’t mean God or God the Father but is the first letter in God’s famous name “I will be who I will be” or “I am that I am”. It can mean “Master” or “Teacher” or even “God” in certain connotations, but these are up for debate. Bet also doesn’t mean Son or Son of God but house or household.
Again, I like the interpretation, and maybe you are right but it seems wrong. Eben = stone, (hebrew is read backwards) like in Eben-ezer (stone of help).
Eben is a contraction of Father (AB), or in Hebrew Aleph and Beth/Bet, and Son (Ben/BN), which is Beth and Nun. Therefore, the letters ABN become Stone/Rock by combining AB with BN. The B is just not repeated twice.
This is emphasized in D&C: 93 and John: 1 and is a doorway to a deeper understanding of the relationship between the Father and the Son.
The name Peter is Kepha in Hebrew which is defined as rock. Rock is different then eben (stone).
Eben can be either singular or plural depending on the context one is reading. As in Luke 19:39-44 Eben (stone) is both singular and plural.
Also, in Psalm (Tehilim) 7 about King Dovid in the Sefaria it is written. You are my son. I have fathered you this day.
But in the esv and kjv it uses and says. I have (begotten) you this day.
And 2nd Samuel (Schmuel) 7:14 Is about King Solomon. I will be his father and he will be my son.
And in Psalm 89:26-27 About King Dovid. You are my Father. And Dovid is his FirstBorn. Even Y’israel is called the first born Son.
So, notice how son (EBEN) is shown as there are MANY SONS of the Father.
Eben is also related to building or a worker who builds. A son who builds for the Father. According to the Fathers commands.
Like King Dovid and King Solomon (Shelomoh) the sons that build for the heavenly father.
Also, Moshiach or Messiah just means “Annointed” Every King is a Messiah because they are annointed with oil.
There are many annointed ones. Either by oil or a prophet a servant of the most high.
In the bible notice how it is written “Blessed is he who comes in the name of YHWH.
So you must say to yourself “who is he” that comes in the name of YHWH.
Because the christian jesus didn’t say “Blessed is I jesus who comes in the name of the most high.
It is written in Revelation 19:12 He has a name that no man knows. And his name is.
In the Aramaic it could be (The Miltha Alaha YAH) The King of the universe the master of Armies!
And on his head are many Crowns. These could be the Crowns of his many Sons the Kings that his spirit rested with. And he commanded them and his sons obeyed him
But I tell you there is only ONE (ECHAD) and there is NO OTHER besides him! And he does not share his glory with another.
Isaiah 44:8
Do not tremble do not be afraid. Did I not proclaim this and foretell it long ago? You are my witnesses. Is there any other elohim besides me? NO!! There is NO OTHER ROCK
I know not one
I personally only worship the Mighty YAH the King of the universe and Master of Armies!
He that created the heavens and the earth and allows me to be presently breathing his breath and my duty is to serve him.
havayah the infinite eternal being Blessed be his name YAH my AB the KING of ALL that exists.
Do his will and do a selfless act for another human or animal or the earth. Each and every day. And capture your thoughts and do your very best not to lie period.
And before you eat any kind of food thank YAH for creating it then go and eat. Also if you have pets feed them first then feed yourself.
Also everything you see with your eyes is a wonderful miracle and thank YAH for creating it. The grass a tree the clouds thank him praise him hava nagila in YAH And boast of his name and his fame and glory.
Mystical & Mesmerizing!
The Lord is kind, merciful and ever present in our lives, the ROCK of all ages!
This is all interesting anyways thankyou all
Uganda Africa