Emma opened the meeting expressing the need for unity in doing good to the poor.
Joseph Smith and Bishop Whitney came up to the stand and Bishop Whitney addressed the women. He said that he rejoiced at the formation of the Society that we might improve upon our talents and to prepare for those blessings which God is soon to bestow upon us. The following is a direct quote…in all its glory:
“In the beginning, God created man, male and female, and bestow’d upon man certain blessings peculiar to a man of God, of which woman partook, so that without the female all things cannot be restor’d to the earth. It takes all to restore the Priesthood. It is the intent of the Society, by humility and faithfulness, in connection with those husbands who are found worthy. I rejoice while contemplating the blessings which will be pour’d out on the heads of the saints. God has many precious things to bestow even to our astonishment if we are faithful. I say again, I rejoice in the prospect of what lays before. It becomes us to prepare by striving for union one with another, that we may be prepared for the day of choosing—man will not choose but God will say who IS and who is NOT worthy.
(Eliza wrote along the margin, “all to restore the Priesthood”. This is what we need to understand: the priesthood is not completely restored unless both men and women are organized in their respective duties.)
Bishop Whitney continues by cautioning against vanity and going against God. We must seek after intelligence and instruction, receiving grace for grace, light and intelligence. “If we have intelligence we have pow’r—knowledge is power.” As we seek after knowledge, let us push away evil. Then live that charity can cover our failings, always reaching out to bring back those who have wandered. Even though we have different views, we must bring our minds and wills into subjection to the law of the Lord, and have unity.
He concluded with these words, “I wish to encourage you to persevere in the ways of righteousness. I tell you there are blessings before to be confer’d as soon as our hearts are prepar’d to receive them—you have my heart’s desire for the prosperity of the Society and pray my heav’nly Father that you may go on and glorify your profession.”
(Somehow, we as women don’t understand this very important message. Maybe it’s just not emphasized anymore, nevertheless, we as women need to understand it, know it, and believe it. God looks at women to carry out half of all that is required. The men cannot fulfill their responsibilities without us. Ultimately, it takes the work of both men and women in order for anyone to be saved. Women are that important for the Plan of our Father to succeed. As soon as we gain understanding of this knowledge, we will have righteous power, enough to receive the great blessings that are in store.)
The Minute Book is now online at Joseph Smith Papers.