My first thought was to do just that (in an artful way, of course). But then I took a walk in the woods and saw God’s type of chaos. That got me thinking.
The word CHAOS is typically never good. It usually means that things have gotten way out of hand and you have totally given up.
In the woods I found chaos, but there was a beauty and order in it. My thoughts went to Jurassic Park and Chaos Theory; that concept really intrigues me. Chaos Theory means that nature finds the right way even when everything else goes wrong.
Does that sound familiar to you? It should. It also could be called the Plan of Salvation. Our Heavenly Father sent us down to earth armored with knowledge, covenants, and His Spirit. He prepped us with the fact that earth life was not going to be easy; in fact, it was meant to be hard and possibly even lead us astray. But He had faith in us to choose Him again, and we apparently, having chosen Him once, were convinced we could show Him that we could choose Him a second time. Boy, we had no idea, did we?
This world is a battlefield. The very nature is chaos. Life is not meant to be peaceful, smooth, or safe. We are all fighting for our lives here; our eternal life.
While God has prepared this world for us and allowed it to be full of chaos, ultimately, this world will bring us happiness, because it follows a set of laws that even God can’t break. Motion has already been set that leads the way to eventual happiness. Nature will indeed find that way.
In addition to all of this designed arrangement is Satan. He has a counterfeit for everything, including Chaos. His kind of chaos is definitely out of control. He has no purpose other than destroying our souls. When we get caught up in his chaotic world, he waits for us to fill our lives with sin, give up, and succumb to his power. As I understand it, his eternity is going to be cold, empty, and silent. The chaos, however, will remain in our head as we remember our original choice, and how we didn’t make that same choice the second time.
Just remember, it is natural for life to be hard. If life gets too hard, we need to make sure it’s not man-made because of sin. Yes, God grants peace on this earth, but that gift comes with a distinct understanding of the difference between the two forces.

In my little quilt, which you see here, my chaos is meshed in nature, Heavenly Father’s gift which is all around us. I hope you see the beauty that is available to us as we work through life’s difficulties and learn to recognize, and stay away from, Satan’s counterfeit.