The Three Orders of the Priesthood

Although we usually think of only the Aaronic and Melchizedek Priesthood, the three grand orders of priesthood which Joseph Smith spoke of at the temple grove on August 27th, 1843, include the Levitical Priesthood (held by Aaron [under Moses] for the preparatory outward ordinances and the gathering of Israel), the Patriarchal Priesthood (held by Abraham with relationship to endless posterity), and the Melchizedek Priesthood (which holds the sealing power). The key to each of these 3 orders of priesthood were given to Joseph and Oliver just after the dedication of the Kirtland Temple, by those who held them; Moses, Elias (Gabriel  – Noah), and Elijah respectively, from with the lowered veils of the first floor, western pulpit-altars; the Holy of Holies of the Kirtland Temple (D&C 110:12-16). Their order is potentially representative of the order they were delivered to Joseph and Oliver. (See Joseph Smith, Jr. Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, Joseph Fielding Smith, ed., Deseret Book, pp. 322-323, [Val Brinkerhoff, The Day Star, Reading Sacred Architecture, Book 1: Alphabet & Archetypes, Digital Legend Press, p. 130])

D&C 107 confirms that there are 2 priesthoods in the Church, namely the Melchizedek and Aaronic, including the Levitical Priesthood. Yet, in-between these we learn of the Patriarchal Priesthood (named earlier by the Prophet Joseph), which a man shared with his wife, but which has no governing position “in the Church,” only that over their own family. The Celestial Kingdom appears to be organized along patriarchal family lines. (Val Brinkerhoff, The Day Star, Reading Sacred Architecture, Book 1: Alphabet & Archetypes, Digital Legend Press, p. 105)

As we have seen in D&C 107, this priesthood passed from father to son in antiquity. Ultimately, it came to Abraham whose priesthood, as the 1843 discourse demonstrates, was inferior to that of Melchizedek. The rules of exalted men and women as kings and queens, priests and priestesses, will apparently be over their own family kingdoms in patriarchal order. (Val Brinkerhoff, The Day Star, Reading Sacred Architecture, Book 1: Alphabet & Archetypes, Digital Legend Press, p. 106)

Hence, a man, who is a holder of the Melchizedek Priesthood, sealed to a woman for time and all eternity, together function in the order of the Patriarchal Priesthood over their family; the man presiding, and the woman at his side.