This experience was told to me the other day and I thought,” I can send that to Jan. ”
Two of our sister missionaries were proselyting and talked to a man who seemed to be interested. They made an appointment with him. When they returned for the appointment, they knocked on his door, no answer. They felt like someone was home. You have to know their living circumstances to appreciate that. They knocked again, and again and still no answer. They were feeling sad and discouraged. Then the thought came to them lets sing a song. They began singing “I am a child of God”.
After they had been singing for a minute or two, suddenly the door began to open and they were invited to come in. The spirit prompted them and the music touched his heart.
I have always believed that music conveys a spirit sometimes deeper than words.”
Music definately brings something that words can’t. On my mission, me and my companion had a similar experience. It was sometime in November. My companion wanted to start singing at doors while tracting. At one house we did the usual greeting and message. The lady that answered seemed really open to our message. She started to tell everything that was going on in her life. I mean she really opened up, so much she started crying. We decided to end our little door stop with a song, we sang “I stand all amazed”. The spirit filled the porch and all three of us felt it so strong. We scheduled an appointment, but it went through. Even though, we didn’t get an investigator out of this experience. I know we made a difference in this lady’s life. It was a wonderful experience.
Music and being creative in your own talents really do make a huge difference in the lives of your visiting teachers, missionary work, and as a way to improve your life as a member of the church.