There are two reasons to keep holding Family Home Evening:
1) To provide a moment to testify and talk of holy things to our children
2) To spend time together cultivating love, relationship, and unity
There is a manual available at the Distribution Center, which is full of great ideas that can keep a family busy for many years. The problem really isn’t coming up with ideas, because teaching material can come from many sources; Primary, Seminary, Scriptures, Church Magazines, etc. The real problem lies in the amount of time families spend together, and our commitment in fulfilling our responsibility as parents.
Most teens don’t want to be caught dead spending time with their families. But if family time is established while the kids are young, teens will be more likely to go along with tradition, rather than peer pressure. A short 5-10 minute lesson will suffice in most cases, to get a gospel message across, but the time spent together is what becomes the golden memory.
Just as important as taking time out for FHE, is providing time for Family Prayer, Family Scripture Reading, and Family Council. Just think, if you were to capitalize on all of this family time, your family will become a tight running ship, a fortress of safety, a sheltered haven, and a temple.
a) Family Prayer becomes vital to a family when there is illness, struggle, and death. Dangers abound for each family and we must remember to teach our children where to go for strength and comfort. There is real power in prayer.
b) Family Scripture Reading can come in many forms; find what fits your family. Some families like to use art, drama, debate, or music to bring the scriptures to life. Teach your children to love the scriptures, to refer to them when they need guidance, to discover answers for themselves.
c) Family Council typically is a planning meeting for the family where everyone knows everyone’s schedule for the week, family time can be scheduled, and family issues can be voiced, discussed, and resolved. Our children need responsibility, they need to be held accountable, they need to see their parents prioritize their time, and learn to prioritize their own time.
Like I said, we don’t need more ideas, but I can’t help myself. Here are some more ideas for spending time with your families:
1) Yard games: Our family loves to play water balloon volleyball, and we play out in the front yard so everyone can see us being ridiculous with one another.
2) Family Testimony Meeting: Every child needs to hear their parent bear testimony, and something special happens when those things are spoken in the privacy of a loving home. As well, parents need to hear what’s in the heart of their children.
3) Serve together: Nothing brings a family closer together than serving others, from Subbing for Santa, serving dinner to the Homeless, providing goods for the Humanitarian Center; there’s too much to list.
4) Take Family History Trips together: Either travel to where your ancestors lived; look for headstones, homes, and records together; or stay home and share ancestor stories.
5) Visit Historical Sites together: History is all around us and sometimes we are just too busy to appreciate it. In remembering where we came from, we remember God.
6) Visit Church History Sites together: There are many places all over the world now, where our Church first started in the areas we live. I repeat: In remembering where we came from, we remember God.
7) Have an Evening-To-Ask-Anything: Let your kids ask those difficult questions and really discuss standards, morals, and beliefs. Instead of defensive behavior that causes attacks, open your hearts and testimonies to

one another.
How can Relief Society help?
a) Make it a ward wide policy to keep Monday evenings, between 5-9pm, free from meetings, phone calls, visits, anything that might interrupt a family trying to spend time together.
b) Suggest that YM/YW and Primary leaders allow children to report on family activities in their classes and share their fun ideas and experiences. Invite children to come and share in Relief Society. Make it understood that this is important, supported, and valued.
c) Encourage groups to get together: Single sisters, Older sisters or couples, Groups of families, various combinations of family units to bond as friends and family.
d) Sometimes a “ward aunt” can step in and organize a life-changing memory for a family of harried, “uncool,” parents.