Everyone born on this earth has at least one talent. So many people will say “except me”, or “I was late standing in line that day” or some other self-deprecating comment. But that fact remains true: Everyone has at least one talent, and more than likely they have more.
Why is it wards tend to focus on the few talented people and ignore the rest? We all know people who are shy and don’t offer themselves up for the cause. There are many more people who aren’t very dependable. Each one of us will be held accountable for the talents we were given. I don’t have much to say for those who are not very dependable. Their priorities may not put the Lord and His Church as high as maybe it should be. It’s the shy and overlooked people I defend and want to point out today.
Most people will fulfill an assignment when given one. Often that person will take it seriously and do a good job. The blessings that come from asking people to help in the kingdom stretch far beyond what we see on the surface.
Asking in favors and getting friends to help is not what I am talking about here. Consulting the Lord, and having a heart that strives to nurture Celestial Service from one another is what we should all be entrenched in.
When someone in a leadership position needs help, their first thought should be, “Who needs to serve?” When the Lord is consulted, He will direct you to surprising people, people not ordinarily considered. But it is these people who need and want the growth. It is entirely up to them if they take on the challenge, but they should always be given the opportunity. Please make sure they understand the Lord pointed them out to you. They were called by the Lord, because the Lord knows their capability, their need, and their heart. What a difference it is to know that you have been called by God and not for just doing someone a favor.
All of us should be magnifying our callings. Does that mean to do the best job ever? No. It means to help others magnify the talents in them. We have a responsibility to one another. All of us serve each other by using our talents, by developing our talents, by practicing on one another, and by overcoming our weaknesses.
When you are extended a calling of leadership, magnify your calling by calling as many people as you can to help you magnify your calling. When you are asked to organize a mini meeting, magnify the meeting to involve as many people as possible. If you want to put together a service project (just because), pull up those sisters who’s hands tend to hang down. Involve the Lord, and He will point the way.
There are adults out in the world who still don’t know what their talents are. No one has given them the opportunity to develop whatever it might be. There are adults who are good at one thing and that is the only thing anyone will ever let them do, even though they might like to branch out and develop something else. There are people who have lived in your ward for a while, but have never been asked to do anything; somehow they keep getting overlooked. And there are a few people who just don’t know how to get involved, or volunteer, or ask. This may be hard to believe, but it’s true.
I challenge all of us (it doesn’t matter where we are serving at this moment) to look around and SEE those people who sometimes disappear in the ward. Reach out to them, talk to them, ask them what they’re good at, or what their interests are. Then find a way to use them in whatever service you are performing. It doesn’t have to be big or flashy, but whatever you ask them to do, make sure it is meaningful, truly helpful, and most definitely appreciated. I promise you: you will be surprised at the talents you will discover in your very own ward.
Hello Sister
Thank you for your post. I have had similiar thoughts lately and in the past. I am in a calling where I have felt that my talents weren’t being utilized to the fullest. I am the secretary of the releif society in my ward,but when I was called I was called “assistant”. My Bisop explained to me that he had an impression that I should learn as much as I could about the RS and how it works,I could be called as a Counselor. So of course this meant little to me,because I couldn’t get over the Assistant title. So my first year was a struggle. I was participant in the required activities but for some reason I was never chosen to do anything other than clean up. Even for the Christmas pagent. Just as I was getting my self ready to ask to be released from this calling, I decided to pray and ask what the Lord required of me.Speak Lord,your servant is here to do your will. I prayed to understand how I could be a better servant.That was the answer,we are all called to serve the Lord and our brothers and sisters. So,I cheerfully passed out song books and in doing so, started conversations with sisters who were shy,or had never had the responsibility of a calling. I updated our RS Planner notebook to include tips on how to give talks in church. I tried to teach insightful and uplifting lessons when I was assigned, in short I tried to lead by example.I prayed for guidance and a humble heart. What I have seen is that some of the people who sit in the back of the class,or seem invisible, have started to participate more. Some have even been assigned callings as teachers. I have had more than a few brothers and sisters come up to me and shake my hand and thank me for inspiring them. What a surprise to me,because I didn’t think I did anything. The Lord has a purpose for everyone. I re-read my patriarchal blessing and I was drawn to the statement that I would do the work of the Father,however it will at times go unnoticed,but the Father does notice and will bless and reward.
We can inspire others,we can pray for others,but in the long run,just like the parable of the talents,some are given 10,some given 2,some given 1. We can’t just dig a hole and bury it and hope it will grow. Sometimes we have to speak up.Maybe the Bishop or RS president is unaware of the talents “you” possess. In our ward we have invited everyone to fill out a survey to let us know their interests and talents. We do periodically call on people on those lists. They may not be called for callings, but maybe for their expertise .
In every calling there is the opportunity to put yourself into it; in other words manipulate it to use your best talents. That doesn’t mean relying on “old ways”, it means making the calling sing, because your heart is into it. And Presidents: take note! Let your counselors, secretary, and sisters feel the freedom of stretching forth their own talents. It doesn’t work when the president is dictatorial, demanding, and does everything herself. The best talent(this is really a gift) a RS President can develop is watching her sisters to find where each one can feel useful the most, and then follow up and ask that sister to do something. I personally hate those interest surveys. You fill them out, turn them in, and never hear about them again. But frankly, it’s one thing to be skilled in a certain area, and a whole different ball of wax to be gifted in a certain area. Gifts are abilities that the Lord uses to further His kingdom, and that’s where everyone can serve where they stand (which is what you did, Ramona).
Ramona, you have shown us how the Lord works with those who are willing to REALLY serve. Thank you!