Visiting teaching is accomplished in spite of long distances. At Church, there is a lot of hugging and kissing, as they greet one another and enjoy one another’s presence. There is a genuineness to their love and acceptance.
Of course, I asked my son to ask all of the women we visited what the Relief Society did for them and what they loved about Relief Society. The answers varied, but more than anything else, they love being together. They loved the idea that they belonged to something that was large and alive.
Mostly, the sisters in Peru enjoy just being together. I ran into wards that liked to cook together, and do crafts. They really love to do crafts together! Some of these items are made so they can be sold as additional income, but mostly they just enjoy pretty things. Another ward was busily making white shirts for all of the Aaronic Priesthood age boys in their ward. Humanitarian work is even done to help members in wards and neighborhoods. Imagine that, a 3rd world country still manages to help themselves.
I loved, most of all, that my son baptized –families–. That is what this gospel is all about. Families were introduced to a Heavenly Father who loves them and cares for them. They learned about Jesus Christ, and His gospel here on the earth. They are learning how to make their lives better, because the blessings are coming into their lives as they choose to be obedient and put their faith in the Son of God.
The sisters of Peru are alive and well, strong and beautiful, and dear to me now, forever.