“This video was a labor of love. While serving as RS president in the Chicago suburbs {Geneva, IL} , my heart was touched at all of the things the women in my ward did–for their children, spouses, and friends and ward members. Out there the ward IS everyone’s family and they truly take care of each other as if they were kin, which is exactly what the Visiting Teaching program is designed to do. In order to capture this, for several weeks I was affectionately referred to as the “paparazzi” because I would show up unannounced at homes and photograph what the sisters were doing. It was a lot of fun, and very inspiring to watch all the service being rendered. It is my hope that this video captures the idea that as women we do much, and what we are doing matters because we are the Lord’s hands. I have since moved from the area, and miss the ward and the sisters greatly. I will forever consider them family.
Very nice!
Hi Sister Tolman, I was doing a google search for the Geneva, IL ward and came across this post. We are relocating to Chicago and have considered some homes within the Geneva Ward boundaries. Can you tell me anything more about this ward? How is the Primary? I have 3 boys and really hope they will have great new friends in IL. Anything you can tell me would be great! Thanks!
This video was actually submitted to me by a friend who used to live there. But you can be sure, there are instant friends waiting for you. If you search for the ward on lds.org, you can find the Bishop’s name and number. Call him and ask your questions. Calling in advance of moving into a new ward is a great way to get instantly involved. Good Luck!