I heard someone ask this question: What has the Church done for women?
I might rephrase that question, and ask, what have you, as a woman, done for the Church?
Years ago, Belle Spafford asked this same question to Pres. George A. Smith; only she was asking what the National Council of Women had done for the women of the Church. Pres. Smith responded that she ought to instead look at what she (and all Mormon women) could do for the National Council.
It turned out that Belle could do a lot. She ended up as President of this Council, and won the respect of all the members. She spoke up as a Latter-day Saint Woman, and found people willing to listen.
The world would have women feel sorry for themselves for unjust treatment. But the gospel teaches women to speak up.
According to the scriptures, women have always done amazing and incredible things. They have played key roles in the carrying out of the Plan of Salvation. Their names may not have been mentioned, but that doesn’t lessen the work they have accomplished.
We know the “Church” is not perfect. Christ is certainly the head of it, but face it, with those managing it at the base levels, imperfection reigns supreme. Many of us have experienced being talked down to, or ignored, by a Priesthood leader, and even by other women. And the world would have us feel justified in our anger and resentment. We must look to the scriptures and our Church History to know how best to handle the situation.
There are many women in the Old and New Testament who received incredible gifts that assured their greatness. Likewise, the women in our Church History stood side by side with the men as they threw open the door of this dispensation.
As we serve in the Church, let us remember it is only a small element of the gospel; the Church is merely training ground for a more perfect organization. It is the gospel that we choose to live for, and share with others.

Because the gospel is true, I am willing to be the woman God wants me to be, in spite of the shortsightedness of those around me, both male and female. The Church has been revising itself from the very beginning. Joseph Smith, himself, forgot to organize the women, until he was reminded by Sarah Kimball’s initiative in organizing the sewing group. He knew full well, and told the sisters, that the restoration was not complete until the women were organized within the Church. And there are Bishops and Stake Presidents everywhere who don’t always see eye to eye with their women leaders. Do not let these imperfections destroy your chances of eternal life.
We are blessed to have scriptures that give us examples of women who have overcome the world, who have fulfilled their missions, who have set the example for all of us to follow. Their attitudes of humility, obedience, and love will help perfect us.
So, I ask again, What has the Church done for women?
It has provided opportunities to become perfect. It has shown me examples of greatness and a desire to join those inspiring women who have lived before me. It has given me opportunities to serve, look outside of myself, and even allowed me to reinvent some aspect of Church structure and performance.
Besides these wonderful blessings given to us, we must also ask ourselves, What have I done for the Church?
I loved this piece and especially the Spirit it carried. I actually needed to read this today. It stilled my soul. Thank you. I think I need to spend some time with you.
As to your new look, I did a double take when I came here today. I think I mostly like it. However, I don’t care for some of the art, but I’m sure most people do like it.