Elder Hales’ talk on Agency is a reminder of who we are, what we choose to do now, and why we want the promises we’ve made with Heavenly Father.
Satan has taught the world that you have to take care of yourself, put yourself first, your needs are first, self-fulfillment is what it’s all about. We see it everywhere: The Me generation.
Heavenly Father has taught us to act for ourselves, to not be caught up in this worldly web of short-sighted lies. If we follow the crowd (those independent thinkers), we don’t understand the Plan of our Father. We should relish the idea of being different; peculiar.
“Agency is to act with accountability”, says Elder Hales, “and responsibility for our actions.” That means that there are consequences when we act selfishly, or generously. Whatever we do, the results are our own doing, good or bad. When Jesus Christ volunteered to be our Savior, He didn’t come to be accountable for us; He came to teach us accountability, so that when we accept responsibility for our actions, and repent, He will cover the cost.
Satan is miserable. His followers are miserable. Why do you think “Legion” was so desperate for a body (to have power to act and do) that they were willing to go into pigs. (See Mark 5) Are they sorry for their choice? You bet. That choice would be their final choice. And THAT is miserable.
Elder Hales says, “But think of it: in our premortal state WE CHOSE TO FOLLOW THE SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST! And because we did, WE WERE ALLOWED to come to earth. I testify that by making the same choice to follow the Savior now, while we are here on earth, WE WILL OBTAIN an even greater blessing in the eternities. But let it be known: WE MUST CONTINUE TO CHOOSE TO FOLLOW THE SAVIOR. Eternity is at stake and our wise use of agency and our actions are essential that we might have eternal life.” (Emphasis added)
Many people don’t understand that agency brings true freedom. Look around you at all the drug addicts, alcoholics, and abusers. Sure, they chose what they wanted. Are they free? Never! Not until they beg for the opportunity to be responsible and accountable. I’ve met people who are begging, and with love and encouragement, I try to guide them back home. It is not an easy road, but because of the Lord, Jesus Christ, that road exists, because agency is still available to them. How’s that for mercy.
“[Jesus] taught us that when we choose to do the will of our Heavenly Father, our agency is preserved, our opportunities increase, and we progress.” Elder Hales assures us of God’s love for each one of us, no matter where we are, no matter where we’ve been.
Speaking of mercy, the world has it all wrong. Elder Hales reminds us more of what the world teaches, “eat, drink, and be merry;…and if it so be that we are guilty, God will beat us with a few stripes, and at last we shall be saved.” Justice must be served. Even God obeys the law. The crime must be paid for. Mercy only comes to those who strive to be obedient, seek after obedience, and exemplify obedience.
“Selective obedience” is a great term, and we all have experienced it in our own lives, haven’t we? We sometimes like to justify how we obey. Maybe, “no one is looking”, or “everyone else gets away with it”, or “it’s no big deal”. Are you really willing to take the chance? Do you want to continue starting small until it (whatever it is) gets so big, you can’t control it anymore? Is it worth losing your agency over?
I think the thing that amazes me more than anything else about Jesus Christ, is that He came to earth willing to give up His will from the very beginning. He didn’t cry because He wasn’t allowed to stay out and play ball with the boys. He didn’t have a tantrum because He couldn’t have something. Did He ever feel sorry for Himself? Was it all too much for Him? No. His life wasn’t about Him. It was about His Father’s business. It was about saving us.