It seems that Relief Societies in the past had projects going on all the time. Building a community in the desert was not an easy task. As time progressed, the number of Relief Societies grew, projects became more localized, and methods adapted and improved. Today, we benefit from the mighty work of our sisterhood.
There was a time when certain craft projects swept through our sisterhood like a windstorm dropping beautifully painted leaves, and such, on our dining room tables. I think the more colorful storms have passed by. Today, each ward tends to fend for themselves, struggling between having dinner and socializing, and using the fallback of another service project (which is technically always a good thing).
Back in the old days, they had a designated “work day” each week. Then Homemaking happened once a month. Now, we’re free to hold meetings as needed, but typically fall back on what we are used to—the monthly meeting.
Sisters, I know there are those of you who are much more creative than just going with the flow. I would love to hear what you are doing as a Relief Society of sisters to further the work of the Church, which is to save souls.
My ward, and stake, is struggling, just as many others are. We need to hear from those women who are moving forward, through inspiration, and accomplishing great things. Unfortunately, I don’t have a lot of practical know-how, but I’m always full of ideas. Here are a few that may spark some conversation. Please feel free to share what your wards are doing.
- Sisters (blood sisters, in this case) getting together weekly to research their Family History.
- Bring back the weekly “work day” whether you work on humanitarian projects; gardening, harvesting, and storing; studying various subjects together, etc.
- Train the younger girls in the ward in various homemaking skills.
- Adopt a nursing home, hospital, or care facility and make weekly visits.
- Create an ever-changing list of people in your ward who need prayers, dinners, visits, help, etc. Make this list available to sisters by including them in the organization of service.
- Pick a gospel principle and run it to the ground as sisters talk about it, hear about it, live it, practice it, and testify of it.
- Teach and promote self-reliance by teaching classes on the basics: home management and financial management in particular.
- Offer a scripture study class. These classes are so helpful to add emphasis to the Sunday School lessons, or to help us continue reading the Book of Mormon on an “off year.”
- What is it that your ward members struggle with? Take one idea and work on it as a ward or sisterhood. Then follow up with another idea, then another. The period of “once-a-month” meetings is over. Our Last Days should be used to be in constant preparation.
As sisters, we need to be seeing progress in people’s lives, even if it’s merely a better attitude. As sisters, we are God’s Help. It is up to us to unify, gather, overcome, love, serve, and accept. We can’t let being “too busy” keep us from doing the” work of Relief Society.” If you don’t know how to start, just pick something, anything, and try it and see where it takes you. But if you are already doing something, please share, with the rest of us, what you are doing…