As we’ve been reading about the Second Coming in our Sunday School lessons, and hearing about things in the news, I’ve been thinking about what it is we should all be doing to prepare for the Lord’s second coming. I have come to my own conclusion. There may be more to it, but this is what I think.
Obviously, it is of utmost importance that we live by the Spirit. By listening to the Spirit, we will know what voices to listen to, and not be led astray even by the most attractive, or “spiritual” ideas. Prayer, and a close relationship with our Father in Heaven, will get us through anything.
After that, I think we need to really look at the main purpose of the Priesthood and Relief Society; which is to save souls. That is, to touch the lives around us in such a way that all can gain a personal testimony of our Savior, and His work of Salvation. Our preparation is in sharing our testimonies with the world, in order to save the world.
In Pres. Monson’s biography there is a story that really impressed me (well, one of many). A friend of Pres. Monson’s told him his conversion story. He was traveling, by bus, and sat next to a young teenage girl from Salt Lake City. The man, correctly assuming she was LDS, asked her the famous question, “What do Mormons believe?” She was able to recite and explain each of the Articles of Faith.
It was as simple (and daring) as that. And it was enough to cause this man to look up the Mormons and learn more. He and his family were baptized; he and his wife were sealed in the temple, and all six of his children eventually married in the temple.
Isn’t that what it’s all about? We must all be prepared to teach the gospel, so that everyone can partake of the saving ordinances.
Pres. Monson quotes these words from Pres. John Taylor:
“If you do not magnify your calling, God will hold you responsible for those whom you might have saved, had you done your duty. And who of us can afford to be responsible for the delay of eternal life of the human soul? If great joy is the reward of saving one soul, then how terrible must be the remorse of those whose timid efforts have allowed a child of God to go unwarned or unaided.”
For me, that is what preparing for the Second Coming is. But what does that mean for each one of us?
Our families are the ones we have the most influence over; our spouses, children, parents, cousins, etc. All those that we love and are in contact with need to know where we stand in the gospel. Without being obnoxious, we can state clearly how we feel about certain things either in casual conversation or at a special meeting called for such a purpose. The important thing that often slips our mind is to be sure to invite them to come to meeting, ask questions, or listen to the missionaries. I’ve heard many sad stories of how the new convert said “no one ever invited me.”
Pres. Monson is probably the best example of opening up a conversation, with anyone and everyone, about the gospel. Listening to his stories should give us the courage to seek out those experiences, with complete strangers, for ourselves. It takes courage, but more importantly, it’s an opportunity to show our faith. Remember, we aren’t the ones who convert, it’s the Spirit that works through us.
Another avenue that we may not recognize is our visiting teaching route. If our sisters aren’t coming out to Church regularly, we need to be aware of that and encourage them. They may have family members who are struggling. We can be a positive influence for a family who may need a spiritual boost. Showing sincere love and concern for one another strengthens all of us and helps each of us when testimonies falter. The same goes for those who visit teach us. Encouraging them to follow through with their responsibility, making friends with them, and building their testimonies are great ways to continue the chain of friendship created in our Relief Societies.
Boyd K. Packer once said, “No one knows the hour or the day (see D&C 49:7), but the end cannot come until all of the purposes of the Lord are fulfilled.” I have often wondered why we don’t know when the Lord is coming. Maybe, in a way, we control that time by what we are supposed to be accomplishing. Who knows that if we work harder and faster in converting, or inviting, the Lord will come sooner?
This quote, from Elder M. Russell Ballard, makes me want to work just a little harder, speak up a little more, and fight a little longer for those souls around me. “The battle to bring souls unto Christ began in the premortal world with the war in heaven (see Revelation 12:7). That same battle continues today in the conflict between right and wrong and between the gospel and false principles. The members of the Church hold a front-line position in the contest for the souls of men. The missionaries are on the battlefield fighting with the sword of truth to carry the glorious message of the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the peoples of the earth. No war has ever been free of risk. The prophecies of the last days lead me to believe that the intensity of the battle for the souls of men will increase and the risks will become greater as we draw closer to the second coming of the Lord.”