We have been taught so many things over the years. Because of modern technology we are able to actually dig up old talks and relearn what was once learned. I love the fact that we have access to all of the conference addresses EVER given and can glean such great words as this.
The following is a talk given by Marion G. Romney back in 1960. It offers a great explanation of the welfare plan over the ages. I have pulled out the highlights here.
“The Royal Law” was the law to care for the poor. The Lord commanded ancient Israel to provide for their poor (Lev. 19:18). The Lord required of the children of Israel, as they emerged from four hundred years of slavery, two basic principles—first, those who had were to give, and second, those who received were to labor for what they got.
Enoch taught the gospel of Jesus Christ, including the procedure required by the celestial law in loving one’s neighbor as one’s self. And the Lord called his people Zion, because they were of one heart and one mind, and dwelt in righteousness; and there was no poor among them (Moses 7:16,18).
During his earthly ministry, the Lord placed the “royal law”, in importance, second only to the love of God (Matt. 22:39). Following the visit of Jesus, the Nephites lived the “royal law”. “…every man did deal justly one with another. And they had all things common among them (4 Ne. 1:2-3).
As the Lord gave the “royal law” to the Saints in former dispensations, so he has given it to us (see D&C 59:6). Before the Church was a year old, he had, in three separate revelations, laid upon the Saints the obligation to care for their poor (see D&C 38:1-42; D&C 42:1-93; D&C 44: 1-6).
In the early 1830’s, the Lord directed the Saints to implement the “royal law” by living the United Order. In this they failed. Because they did not learn to impart of their substance as becometh Saints to the poor and afflicted among them (D&C 105:3), the Lord permitted them to be driven from Missouri, and the requirement that they live the United Order was withdrawn. But the “royal law” was not withdrawn. It remained in full force. At least partially to fulfill it, the Saints, since then, have been bound by the law of tithing and the “fast”.
The Lord has now inspired the present Church welfare plan. In it, we are being given another opportunity to show our mettle, to stand up and be counted, to prove ourselves worthy—or unworthy, as the case may be—of rising toward a fuller compliance with the “royal law”.
Let us go forward, never slackening our efforts. And let us not be discouraged by the charge that some welfares are unworthy of the help they receive. If such there be, they shall in due time be weeded out, for the Lord has said, …he that is idle shall not eat the bread nor wear the garments of the laborer (D&C 42:42). And the idler shall not have place in the Church, except he repent and mend his ways (D&C 75:29). (Marion G. Romney, The Royal Law According to the Scriptures, CR, Oct 1954)
Kings, diplomats, presidents, and curious everyday seekers visit our welfare system every year. There is no other program like it in the world. This welfare plan is truly inspired to 1) teach people how to care for themselves and their own, and 2) get people back on their feet when they go through hard times.
The idea of living rich off our own work ethic is the basis for this philosophy. This is independence and complete agency; or in other words, freedom. Ezra Taft Benson once said, “There are some fundamental facts which must never be overlooked, lest it be said of this our land, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” (Hosea 4:6.)…any system which deprives men of their free agency, which weakens the home and family, which depends on butchery for power, which denies all moral responsibility, which holds that man lives by bread alone, and which denies the existence of God, is of the devil.” (“My People Are Destroyed for Lack of Knowledge”, Ezra Taft Benson, CR, Apr 1960)