Sometimes it’s just nice to get the original statement, instead of someone else’s interpretation. Read this for yourself to understand our responsibility as women—to the Church, to men, to ourselves, and to one another. We are not expected to ride on men’s shoulders, we are responsible for our own salvation. Together, as men and women, we must reach out and bring all others unto the fold.
The following is taken from The Relief Society of Nauvoo Minute Book, written in Eliza R. Snow’s hand. The Prophet, Joseph Smith is teaching the women the object of the Society:
“That the Society of Sisters might provoke the brethren to good works in looking to the wants of the poor— searching after objects of charity, and in administering to their wants — to assist; by correcting the morals and strengthening the virtues of the female community, and save the Elders the trouble of rebuking; that they may give their time to other duties &c. in their public teaching.
The charitable Society— this is according to your natures— it is natural for females to have feelings of charity— you are now plac’d in a situation where you can act according to those sympathies which God has planted in your bosoms. If you live up to these principles how great and glorious!— if you live up to your privileges, the angels cannot be restrain’d from being your associates—
After this instruction, you will be responsible for your own sins. It is an honor to save yourselves— all are responsible to save themselves.
As you increase in innocence and virtue, as you increase in goodness, let your hearts expand— let them be enlarged towards others— you must be longsuff’ring and bear with the faults and errors of mankind. How precious are the souls of men!— The female part of community are apt to be contracted in their views. You must not be contracted, but you must be liberal in your feelings.
The nearer we get to our heavenly Father, the more are we dispos’d to look with compassion on perishing souls— to take them upon our shoulders and cast their sins behind our back. I am going to talk to all this Society— if you would have God have mercy on you, have mercy on one another.
Prest. S. then said that he would give a lot of land to the Society by deeding it to the Treasurer, that the Society may build houses for the poor. He also said he would give a house— frame not finished— said that br. [Reynolds] Cahoon will move it on to the aforesaid lot, and the Society can pay him by giving Orders on the Store—
The sisters express’d their feelings one by one an unanimous sentiment seem’d to pervade the hearts of all present, to wit, a desire to assist in forwarding the Temple and in aiding the cause of Zion.”
(can be read in full at www.josephsmithpapers.org)