Daughters in My Kingdom isn’t exactly what you expect, because there has never been anything like it before. But, you will feel the spirit as you gain an understanding of the history and work of Relief Society through its pages.
Countless prophecies have told us that in the last days we will have to choose whose side we are on, once and for all. The world continues to move us from side to side, fad to fad, drama to drama. But Relief Society has always been the same, since the beginning of time. Isn’t that comforting to know that? There is just something overwhelmingly gratifying in knowing that we are part of a plan. That God has designed a work for us to do from the very beginning, that we are indeed His daughters who stand for Him. He loves us and knows us, and looks forward to our return home.
Relief Society has always been a guiding light, an exercise in charity, action, and love. Our presidents have led us with boldness, power, and wisdom. Because this society is part of the organization of the church, it will withstand the test of time and be a glory unto our Father in Heaven.
This book is more a book about our purpose than our history. But we can’t understand our purpose until we understand our history. Together, they guide us to our destiny. After all the research I have done, I can easily testify that the Relief Society is in the hands of the Lord, Jesus Christ, and He needs us to fulfill His purposes.
Sis. Beck often reminds us that a personal relationship with the Savior is absolutely necessary to avoid hidden paths. We cannot let fear, or other influences, lead us astray. We must be women who bring our families to Christ.
We are women of God, ever regarded as Mothers in Israel and Daughters of God; to be a light unto the world in righteousness. His purposes should be our purposes; His ways, our ways. May we stand for Him in all times, in all things, and in all places.
I’m reading a book about the Holocaust, this one is about a Romanian woman, who was one of very few survivors of Ravensbrϋck (The Seamstress, Sara Tuvel Bernstein). In the preface of the book, it mentions these words found on a monument at the camp: “These are all our mothers and sisters.”
Sara’s daughter-in-law, who helped her write the book, states these soul-wrenching words as she gazes upon the site:
“The young girls and women, the mothers and sisters and daughters who had died there, had been my ancestors in a web including all women, throughout all of time. The loss was irreparable.”
With the book, Daughters in My Kingdom fresh in my mind, then reading about these strong women who died so horribly, I am so thankful for this web that includes all women, throughout all of time. God will make us inseparable in His Kingdom on High.
So, as we read and ponder upon the words of this book, I hope we can become of one heart and one mind. We have the power to do what we have been called to do, whether it’s to bless other’s lives, be tested in difficult ways, or both. May we “retrench” and move forward across the battlefield, called earth, in the name of the Lord.
May we always remember that we are not daughters of the world. We aren’t here to complain, murmur, or judge. We are here to connect, combine forces, and bring to pass the work of the Lord. Relief Society women have done this from the very beginning of time. It’s time to get up and continue onward.
Yes, I have read mine and you have written a beautiful summary.
Your comment, “We are not daughters of the world…” reminded me when Satan tried to strip Moses of his divine understanding by calling him “son of man.”
This book will bless so many women who need to recognize and remember they are Daughters in His Kingdom.
Thank you for your thoughts. Your blog is delightful.