I hope you all had the opportunity to listen to the General Women’s Meeting. As usual, it was uplifting and soul building.
As I listened to the speakers, I hoped to find things that I personally should be working on. What are they telling ME that I should do?
Sis. Beck spoke on the pattern of discipleship. What am I doing in my life right now to align myself with disciples of long ago; in scripture, in history, in my own family? And what am I teaching those who depend on me as an example? I have a reputation, but is it a reputation I am satisfied with? Is the record of myself one I wish to leave as a legacy?
Sis. Allred taught us that Charity is the foundation for all of our actions. How much do I really understand this principle, gift, and desired trait, of Charity? Maybe a thorough study of it would bless my life; study through action. What does it really mean that Charity is the True Love of Jesus Christ? The Book of Mormon starts with this image of The Tree and The Most Desired of All Fruit. How can I stay on that path that leads to…Charity? Sis. Allred urged us to plead for this gift.
Sis. Thompson reminded us of our covenants. When people sift through our belongings, will they know what our covenants meant to us? That is a very intriguing question. I have a lot of meaningless junk stashed everywhere. How have the important things been stored? Remembered? Cared for and kept beautiful? What about my inner soul? Are my covenants fresh, pure, clean, used daily; truly precious to me?
Pres. Uchtdorf’s talk caused me to soul search.
1) Forget NOT to be patient with myself. That means I have time to clean out the cobwebs of my life, study the scriptures anew, and refresh my covenants (see above). As long as I commence along the path, continue moving forward, and cling (see 1 Ne. 8 ) to my beliefs, I can patiently endure my own setbacks and strivings.
2) Forget NOT the difference between a good sacrifice and a bad sacrifice. Sis. Beck has taught us about the three degrees of lists: essential, necessary, and nice-to-do. This is something that I constantly have to review. How easy it is to “get caught up” into nowhere.
3) Forget NOT to be happy NOW. That is a very good reminder. I usually make a list around Thanksgiving of 101 things I’m thankful for. This year, I decided to make my list all year long. Make time to be happy, to remember joy, to recall blessings, to have a grateful heart.
4) Forget NOT the “Why” of the Gospel. When you know why you are making certain choices, “living the gospel ceases being a burden and becomes a joy”. Why? Because God loves me, and wants me to be happy; and I love Him for that.
5) Forget NOT that the Lord loves ME. I am never forgotten by the Lord. I matter, and what I do matters, to the King of Kings, the Lord of Heaven and Earth, God All Mighty, as well as my Heavenly Parents who watch over me continually.
Was I given a boost during this conference? Yes. Was I given confidence that I can do all that is required of me? Yes. Was I encouraged to keep moving forward with steadfastness in my faith in Christ? Yes. Can I teach this to my children and others who need a boost, confidence, and encouragement? Most definitely.