The October Ensign is a special issue emphasizing the Book of Mormon. Once again, it appears our leaders are trying to get us to think how best to rescue our families and loved ones in these very trying times. So many answers lie within the pages of this marvelous work and wonder.
If we aren’t looking to the Book of Mormon for answers, we will be caught off guard and miss our day of preparation. Nephi tells us in all plainness that we must “feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do.” (2 Ne 32: 3). And we must “enter in by the way, and receive the Holy Ghost, it will show unto you all things what ye should do.” (2 Ne 32: 5). “For if ye would hearken unto the Spirit which teacheth a man to pray ye would know that ye must pray…pray always, and not faint; that ye must not perform any thing unto the Lord save in the first place ye shall pray unto the Father in the name of Christ that he will consecrate thy performance.” (2 Ne 32: 8-9).
Nephi teaches the gospel with plainness and truth (see 2 Ne 33: 6), yet we still resist, or think there is a better way. If we read the scriptures, follow the Spirit, and pray always, we will be able to withstand the day…and of utmost importance…bring our families with us.
The message talks about those amazing Stripling Warriors and the mothers who taught them. But the overall time period, commonly referred to as “The War Chapters” are a pattern for us to prepare our minds and our hearts. Just think, “If all men (and women) had been, and were, and ever would be, like unto Moroni (and his wife, mother, and probably sister), behold, the very powers of hell would have been shaken forever.” (Alma 48:17). I have no problem adding Captain Moroni’s women into this scripture. We know that every good man has a couple of women nearby supporting him, being his counsel, and working by his side.
From Alma 43 to Alma 51, we learn specific ways to defend and protect our loved ones from the adversary.
While the Lamanites were the enemy, it was really the Former Nephites who were bent on their destruction; it was Zerahemnah who felt the hatred and the rage to destroy. His desire was to have power over the Lamanites AND the Nephites.
Captain Moroni taught his people to preserve and protect their land, houses, wives, children, rights, liberty, and freedom to worship. (see Alma 43: 9)He taught them it was okay to defend through stratagem (v. 30), and “even unto bloodshed” if necessary (v. 47).
The Nephites motives, however, had to be of such purity, that righteousness was critical. Captain Moroni recognized that he was only able to capture Zerahemnah “in the name of that all-powerful God, who has strengthened our arms…by our faith, by our religion, and by our rites of worship.” (see Alma 44: 5).
Captain Moroni was fearless. He inspired the people to move forward with complete trust in God. In Alma Chapter 46, he creates the Title of Liberty writing these words, “In memory of our God, our religion, and freedom, and our peace, our wives, and our children”. This was his cause. The Brethren are asking that this be our cause. Are we valiant with enough courage to create our own ensign, standard, banner, title of liberty that declares our own faith? Some ways we may do this is by the clothing we wear, having a temple recommend in our pocket, carefully selecting our words and our actions. In this day and age we will surely stand out in the crowd–just enough–to state our true devotion, by doing these simple things.
I’ve written before about what happened to poor Lehonti and the brutal Amalickiah.See the lessons learned in that story.
Even with so much wickedness surrounding them, for the Nephites, “there never was a happier time among the people”. (Alma 50: 23) How can this be? Because when we are truly righteous we are full of faith in Jesus Christ and His eternal promises; we have hope in His atoning sacrifice that can cover us, and all of our loved ones; and we have charity for one another, even toward our enemies.
Yet when confronted with evil Captain Moroni’s actions are quick and dramatic, and perhaps best left to the Priesthood. What we learn is those who murmur, seek power, and cause confusion, should be cut out of our lives immediately. For example, Captain Moroni demanded that all dissenters either give in completely, or they will be “hewn down by the sword”. (vs. 15-21). Teancum is another great example when he sneaks into the Lamanite camp and “put a javelin to [Amalickiah’s] heart”, cutting out that wickedness (v. 34).
What makes Relief Society such a wonderful blessing for us is that we can be unified as the sisters of this Church. In Alma 51, we see how a divided people can weaken the whole. In unity we can be strong enough to overcome all evil. Sisters, we do live in wartime. We cannot look away any longer. Because we care for our loved ones, we must be more obvious in our devotion to our Lord, Jesus Christ. The time for casualness is done away.
If we “pour out our souls in prayer to God, that he would strengthen us and deliver us out of the hands of our enemies”…”God [will] visit us with assurances”, “speak peace to our souls”, “grant unto us great faith”, and give us “hope for our deliverance in him”. With His help we will “take courage”, be “fixed with a determination to conquer our enemies”, “maintain our lands, possessions…children, and liberty” (see Alma 58: 10-13). “And thus we did go forth with all our might”.
Painting called What Power a Mother’s Teaching, by Elaine Smith