Sometimes, I wonder if we are building as much character in our Young Women as we used to.
In 1916, every female over fourteen was a Beehive girl until she entered Relief Society; there were no Mia Maids, Gleaners, or Laurels. The following are twenty out of the three hundred seventy-three requirements possible for a Beehive girl to earn her award:
- Care successfully for a hive of bees for one season and know their habits.
- Give the distinguishing characteristics of six varieties of hen and cattle and tell the good and weak points of each.
- Exterminate the mosquitoes over an area of 1/2 mile square by pouring a little kerosene on the surface of all standing pools of water twice each month during April, May, or June.
- Make two articles of underwear by hand.
- Cover 25 miles of snowshoes in any six days.
- Learn to float in Great Salt Lake and propel yourself 50 feet.
- During three consecutive months, abstain from candy, ice cream, commercially manufactured beverages and chewing gum.
- For one month masticate [chew] your food so thoroughly that it slips down without any visible effort at swallowing it.
- Successfully put a new washer on a faucet.
- Care for a least two kerosene lamps daily.
- For three months take care of milk and cream from at least one cow and see that the pails, pans, strainer, and separator are thoroughly cleansed.
- During two weeks keep the house free from flies or destroy at least 25 flies daily.
- Have your toilet moved to an isolated place in the garden.
- Whitewash your toilet inside and out.
- Know and describe three cries of a baby.
- Without help or advice care for and harness a team at least five times; drive fifty miles during one season.
- During 2 summer months clean ice chest thoroughly twice a week.
- Discover ten reasons why the Columbine should be made the national flower.
- Clear sage-brush, etc. off of one-half acre of land.
- Know 6 blazes used by Indians.
Granted, many of our girls wouldn’t be in a situation to fulfill all these requirements. Times have certainly changed. I thought I would have a little fun and come up with some requirements that may be possible, but are probably not being considered.
- Pick five daily and weekly household duties and do them before your mother has to remind, or ask, you to do them for 3 months straight.
- Live without electronics for a 72 hour period.
- Head a service project that involves a budget, the young men, and an immediate nearby disaster.
- Define “Mother”, according to what the prophets have taught. List and practice all the skills, and attitude, necessary to be worthy of this title. (In our day and age, we always have to explain that giving birth is not the only way to make a mother.)
- Research a family ancestor. Learn their story, prepare their temple work, if necessary, visit their place of birth or place of death, if possible.
- Manage a garden for a season and harvest the bounty.
- Organize the painting of a house and paint it. Inside or outside, your choice.
- Research the Retrenchment Association and follow these ideals for at least 1 year.
- Learn a skill of your choice and earn money from it.
- Read all of the Standard Works.
- Learn the history of Relief Society in anticipation of entering this holy women’s organization.
- Jumpstart a car battery, change tires, and perform an oil change on a car.
- Make 100 items for the Humanitarian Center by yourself.
- Make a movie, give a speech, or write a story about your take on the For The Strength of Youth booklet.
- Contact your state representative about a Bill that you may be for, or against, and help it pass, or be defeated.
- Walk 20 miles to get a taste of what it felt like to walk across the plains.
- Plan, shop for, and cook an entire dutch oven meal. Then clean the dutch ovens afterward.
- Learn how interest works by saving $500, or more, over a period of one year.
- During three consecutive months abstain from candy, ice cream, commercially manufactured beverages and chewing gum. (This one is taken from above, but is good for any generation.)
- Build a friendship with a person you normally might not befriend.
Thank you! This is so timely for my family. I’ve been pondering some ways I might require more of my young daughter since the Personal Progress program doesn’t seem to stretch her enough. These are wonderful ideas!
I’m a YW Advisor in our branch; we struggle to get our girls to do ANYTHING in personal progress. If we can just get them to pray daily, read the scriptures daily and attend church consistently we will have accomplished a miracle. The Personal Progress is supposed to help the girls establish the habits of righteousness in their lives, not be a check list of tasks to accomplish. I really do love your list, though. Young people today are not stretched enough and they get lazy. I know, three of our five children are adults and they are now thanking me for being tough on them. We have lived on both coasts, in UT and now in IA. This has been the most difficult place because of the great distances we must travel to participate in ordinary church activities; and the fact that our numbers are few.