The other night my wife received a phone call from a sister from the ward who was asking if I was available to give her friend a priesthood blessing. I was available and quickly called another brother in our ward to assist. If I have time, I try to change my clothes into my Sunday best because of the reverence and respect I feel towards the priesthood. Sometimes due to circumstances this isn’t possible, nor is it necessary, but it is a good practice.
The other priesthood holder and I arrived at the home of the sister and met her friend, who was visibly upset and dealing with a very bad relationship. Usually, I ask some questions to try to get to know the situation and get some understanding, but she was too upset to answer any questions. So we quickly proceeded to anoint her, seal the anointing, and give her a blessing. As I started to pronounce the blessing, the spirit took over. With authority, preciseness, and direct statements the Lord gave an undeniable blessing to this good sister. I don’t remember much of what was said except I felt a very strong spirit and know without a doubt that our Heavenly Father had just given a very needed and powerful blessing to one of His distressed daughters.
As we left the home, we commented to each other about this powerful incident we had just experienced. I have been asked to give many blessings to members of my family and others over the years but blessings such as this, that are so direct and powerful, are the exception. That is not to say that all of the blessings that I have had the privilege to participate in are not from our Heavenly Father. There are many factors in giving blessings such as worthiness of the priesthood holders, the faith of the recipient and the priesthood holders, sensitivity to the spirit, and confidence and experience in giving blessings.
Even when recipients have just a small amount of faith, and the priesthood holders are worthy, I believe all blessings come from the Lord. This sister’s faith was weak and I felt it, but our Heavenly Father really wanted her to know her worth and to give her hope. This is why this particular blessing was so powerful and direct. This good sister was in a dark place and really needed to know that she wasn’t alone. God knew her, and really showed His love to her. The blessing acknowledged that her future has all kinds of possibilities, especially if she will put more trust in the Lord, live, and follow His commandments.
I don’t always understand all the why’s of life, but I do know that God lives and He really loves us. This evening our almighty God told one of His daughters just how much He loves her and gave her hope that all will be well, and she can get through this difficult time.
This sister apparently has an abusive relationship. This priesthood blessing gave her direction, warning, and courage to help her make hard choices so that she can protect herself and move on with her life.
Our Heavenly Father loves his daughters, and priesthood blessings are one way to give them help, hope, comfort, and guidance to help them deal with difficult relationships. We under-utilize the power of the priesthood in helping in these types of circumstances.
Sisters, don’t hesitate to call upon the priesthood to hear needed love and direction from the Lord. Brothers, don’t ever pass up an opportunity to be an instrument in the Lord’s hands, as He always wants to be available to His children in need.
(as written by my husband)