As I have read through all the talks from October’s General Conference, I was struck by how many talks were about POWER. As women, we sometimes assume that the men have all the Power, but that isn’t true. Women have Power, and an obligation, to make something of themselves, and their families.
Elder Scott started the conference by talking about The Power of Scripture. He invited us to recognize the Power that comes when we memorize scripture and can recite it whenever our faith needs bolstering. “Scriptures can calm an agitated soul, giving peace, hope and a restoration of confidence in one’s ability to overcome the challenges of life. They have potent Power to heal emotional challenges when there is faith in the Savior. They can accelerate physical healing.”
I loved Elder Alonso’s talk where he almost dared us to stop questioning the Spirit, but ACT on his command, “without delay”. Pres. Packer told us we have the Power of the Holy Ghost, the Power of Repentance, and the Power to choose. The Lord has such confidence in us. Pres. Uchtdorf reminded us that we are children of a Powerful Being and we have inherited His Power. “Compared to God, man is nothing; yet we are everything to God.” We need to repeat that mantra to ourselves daily.
We have been given the Power to seal families together for eternity. Think about that. Elder Bednar urged the young people to get on their computers and wield this Powerful technology to do the holy work of the Lord. Along the same lines of sealing families together, we also have the Power to procreate. Remember, this life is a test. We may never have this particular Power again. Let’s use it well.
It was both Elder Curtis’ and Elder Christofferson’s talks that reminded us that it is Jesus’ “wondrous Pow’r” of redemptive love that allows us the Power to repent. How appropriate that there were two talks about this most wonderful of all Powerful gifts.
Whenever I see a talk geared toward the Aaronic Priesthood, I listen closely. It is my responsibility, as that boy’s mother, to make sure my son acts upon his Priesthood privilege. Both of us must recognize the Power of the Priesthood.
Elder Waddell made me think of MasterCard. Serving a mission–Great! The Continuing Service of a mission–Priceless! We have the Power to change lives–every day–by our example, love, and invitation. As we open our mouths, the Spirit of the scriptures needs to come out. We have to understand the scriptures and use them to better our lives, and the lives of those around us. Pres. Eyring inspired us to “teach with increased conviction and bear witness with Power”.
I think everyone is familiar with Elder Hales’ health challenges. If anyone knows about patience, it would be him. He says, “I bear my special witness that our Savior’s promise is true.” Quoting the Savior, he concluded with, “May we wait upon Him by pressing forward in faith, that we may say in our prayers, ‘Thy will be done’, and return to Him with honor.” There is Power in this phrase. Not just in the words, but in the action we demonstrate.
We understand that the Book of Mormon is a book with Power. Elder Callister’s talk reminds us that this Powerful book testifies of Christ, is about Christ, and teaches us how to return to Christ.
Sis. Dalton has given some good talks, but I thought this was one of her best. Men, honor the women in your lives by honoring the Priesthood. There is Power in the family of a Priesthood-holding father and a nurturing mother. Our faith must be placed in the witness that God will see to all of our personal situations. All women have access to the Priesthood. She also said “your personal purity will give you Power”. To me, that means it’s my responsibility to strive to live up to the Powerful privileges God lovingly offers me.
Pres. Monson’s talk on morality is something each one of us needs to study very carefully. His final words to us were quoting the Savior, who said, “Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.” As we continue living in a morally degrading society, we can hang on to God, who will never fail us. He is our strength. He is our Power to be righteous. His righteousness will sustain us.
All the talks testify of Christ, but at least one always focuses completely on the Savior. This time it was Elder Oaks who clearly stated that all Power and majesty comes from Jesus Christ who is the Son of God and Savior of the World.
We will always be reminded that we have the Power to choose. Elder Bennett quotes Pres. Monson, “I can’t stress too strongly that decisions determine destiny. You can’t make eternal decisions without eternal consequences.” Ultimately, we only have two choices. “It is never too late to begin to choose eternal life!”
I think my favorite talk was Elder Cook’s, The Songs They Could Not Sing. When bad things happen–sufferings, early death, happenings that seem unfair to us–the Lord will make everything right. We have Power, because we have knowledge and understanding. Jesus Christ has overcome our sorrow.
Pres. Monson’s concluding words were, “May the spirit we have felt here be and abide with us as we go about those things which occupy us each day. May we show increased kindness one toward another. May we ever be found doing the work of the Lord.”
Women have a lot of Power in this Church. We have the Power to call down the heavens to protect ourselves and our families. We have the Power to understand the scriptures, thereby understanding God and His Plan of Salvation. We also have the Power to teach, train, and testify. When we were baptized, we were given the Gift and Power of the Holy Ghost. When we enter the temple of our Lord, we make covenants with Him with the hope of receiving all His Powers, Dominions, and Glory.
The conferences just keep getting better. Or is it me who matures and understands better. I love your review of the theme of power. Thank you so much for sharing.