I have a friend, Ann, who broke both her legs right before Christmas. Now, to most of us, this would be a disaster in the proportions of the apocalypse. Her Christmas decorations were only half up, her shopping wasn’t done, and she was dismayed at being useless for at least two months. Her example of acceptance, patience, and grace has affected me more than I can say.
She let Christmas go almost immediately. The holiday would be simplified and they would focus on gratitude instead. The night after her accident, her daughter was in a car accident, and my friend’s poor husband was doing double duty visiting with her, as well as trying to console their traumatized daughter, driving her to work, dealing with a wrecked car, and going car shopping. Laying in bed, helpless, was frustrating, but she took deep breaths and prayed for calm feelings.
As she began the slow process of physical therapy, she set goals for herself. Little goals at first, getting bigger and more demanding as she began getting her strength back. She was so excited to tell me she had walked four steps one day. Another day, her triumph of walking up a few stair steps beamed through her giddy smile. By the end of another week, another goal was set and accomplished. She felt the Lord with her as she moved forward each day.
Christmas turned out to be just fine, even though she remained in the rehab center. The family came to her and everyone appreciated the spiritual nature of their circumstances. The New Year was already looked upon as an extension of the goals she was accomplishing.
Able to return home early, because of her good behavior, she realized how happy she was to not have to put away Christmas decorations. She was greeted with meals from friends and family. And she continued setting those ever enabling goals. Peace and satisfaction enveloped her.
Is attitude important to the Lord? I think it is the only way we show how we truly feel about His promises to us. Ann showed that she believed Him when he said, “Have ye any that are sick among you?…Bring them hither and I will heal them, for I have compassion upon you…I see that your faith is sufficient that I should heal you…and he did heal them every one as they were brought forth unto him.” (3 Ne 17: 7-9) She was healed physically in record time. Her spiritual healing maintained, and swelled, because of her attitude.
I have a feeling Ann learned how to do this a long time ago; her attitude about life already set in place. Tests and challenges will do that to you. Still, there are some people who never quite learn, and have to go through the whole painful process over and over again. (Cue Laman and Lemuel.) But at the other end, we can’t sit on our laurels, thinking we’ve been tested enough. Life continues to go on and we will be tested to the very end.
When Nephi breaks his bow (1 Ne 16) the whole family thinks they are going to starve to death and everyone, including Lehi, begins to murmur. Nephi is the only one who holds onto his faith and sets out to accomplish the miracle he knows the Lord will perform. After making a new bow, he goes to his father and asks him to ask the Lord where to hunt.
Lehi, the prophet, must humble himself immediately. No one is exempt from this great lesson. “And it came to pass that he did inquire of the Lord…the voice of the Lord came unto my father; and he was truly chastened.” Consequences come when we fall short, but the Lord is quick to encourage. Immediately, in the very next verse, the Lord speaks and shows them where to find the answer. As they look upon the ball, they see that the pointers begin working again because of their faith, diligence, and heed.
Those are three very powerful words. Each requires action, consistency, humility, and desire to obey. When the miracle comes, those three characteristics must be in place, so that miracles can continue coming into our lives. We may slip, as Lehi did, so let us be quick to repent.
The Lord clearly loves Ann. She opened herself up for a miracle, recognized it when it came, and showed humble gratitude as it blessed her life. The Lord never left her side.
With our hearts in place, let our testimonies flow as we strive to overcome and move forward with a glorifying humble attitude.
I love your line “Life continues to go on and we will be tested to the very end.” So true. The concept of enduring to the end is a good one to contemplate and learn. Thanks for sharing the story of your friend Ann.