Lessons about the scriptures are difficult lessons to teach. Typically teaching ABOUT something is less effective than actually SHOWING or even DOING it. So, I hope this post will inspire you to discover something new that will make you want to read the scriptures for yourself, to discover the wonderful treasure that the word of God truly is.
From the lesson, Pres. Smith said, “All you have to do is to search the scriptures prayerfully. Go where they may be explained to you. Seek the truth, and the beauty of the truth will appeal to you, and…you can know as I know that God lives, that Jesus is the Christ, that Joseph Smith is a prophet of the Living God.”
Think about it. The world is pretty messed up. People are searching for something, “but they know not where to find it” (D&C 123:12). Pres. Smith says that the scriptures hold “all the truth that is…necessary for our salvation.” We don’t need to search anymore. We need to read, to seek understanding, and to have faith in what we learn.
In a recent Mormon Channel episode, Sis. Beck said that it’s good to ask questions. “Your question should bring an answer that builds faith.” The world promotes questions, but typically only to entrap, or argue. Our Savior wants us to ask questions to seek after truth. Joseph opened this dispensation with a question. When he received the answer, he said, “I have learned for myself.” (JS-H 1:20) That is what our Heavenly Father wants for each of us. To learn for ourselves. This is where testimonies are borne.
So, what constitutes scripture?
Oh, the list is long. Heavenly Father most definitely speaks to us. He truly gives us all the information we need to return back to Him.
- Old and New Testament
- Book of Mormon
- Doctrine and Covenants
- Pearl of Great Price
- Joseph Smith Translation
- Bible Dictionary
- Other scriptures, yet to be revealed
- Conference Addresses
- First Presidency Messages
- Other talks from our leaders, when they speak as witnesses of Jesus Christ
- Patriarchal Blessings
- Inspired Journals
- Inspired Counsel
- Father’s Blessings
- Revelation for the Church
- Personal Revelation
- Prophecy
There could be more sources; those are just the ones I came up with.
So, what if the scriptures are hard to understand?
It is your responsibility to find a way to understand. But each of us has our own way. Don’t give up. Keep trying until you find what works for you.
You don’t have to start at the beginning. Start where you feel comfortable. Start at a verse that means something to you. You might try reading the entire chapter, or search through the footnotes, to learn more about your favorite verse. Look in LDS Citation http://scriptures.byu.edu/ , where conference addresses have been attached to scripture. You’ll gain additional understanding with the interpretation our prophets offer. Remember to ponder over the scriptures and pray about them. Take your time to think about possible meanings in your own personal life. Write any thoughts, feelings, quotes, etc. down so you won’t forget.
So, what do the scriptures really offer?
“Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.” (John 5:39)
Everyone gets hives when they even think about 2 Nephi. The words of Isaiah freak everyone out.
Starting in 2 Ne 25, Nephi explains Isaiah’s words to us in plain language. Isaiah prophesied that Jesus Christ would come “in the flesh” (v. 12), “they will crucify him” (v. 13), and “the Messiah hath risen from the dead, and hath manifested himself unto his people, unto as many as will believe on his name” (v. 14). He prophesied that because the Jews rejected the Savior, they would be scattered to the ends of the earth. “And the Lord will set his hand again the second time to restore his people from their lost and fallen state” (v. 17). “Wherefore, he shall bring forth his words unto them, which words shall judge them at the last day, for they shall be given them for the purpose of convincing them of the true Messiah, who was rejected by them” (v. 18).
Just like the Jews, when we choose something else, over Jesus Christ, we reject him. Yet, he has already “restored [me] from my lost and fallen state”. And he has given me his words so I can hopefully choose him again and again.
An article, from the Neal A. Maxwell Institute http://maxwellinstitute.byu.edu/ at BYU, caused me to think about the Doctrine of Christ. So, along with their words, I have added my own understanding to the following.
The Book of Mormon uses the terms gospel and doctrine to refer to the way by which individuals come to Christ. Three Book of Mormon passages in particular (2 Ne 31:2-32:6; 3 Ne 11:23-39; 3 Ne 27:13-21) define the gospel of Jesus Christ, each in a six-point formula. This formula states that if people will 1) believe in Christ, 2) repent of their sins, and 3) submit to baptism in water as a witness of their willingness to take his name upon themselves and keep his commandments, he will 4) pour out his Spirit upon them and cleanse them of their sins. All who receive this baptism of fire and of the Holy Ghost and 5) endure to the end in faith, hope, and charity will 6) be found guiltless at the last day and enter God’s kingdom.
Every week when we partake of the Sacrament, we are baptized once again, and cleansed from our sins. If we strive to be more obedient, the Holy Ghost will continue in us to help us endure to the end, day after day, trial after trial.
This formula is demonstrated in the conversion, and continued life-under-the-covenant, of King Lamoni, and his people–the People of Ammon. (Alma 18-20, 23-24) Can I make the same commitment in life that they did?
“Since feasting on the word of God has a ‘more powerful effect upon the minds of the people than…anything else’ (Alma 31:5), the more of the word of God we have and act upon, the more we will press forward. Much spiritual energy is necessary for the marathon of discipleship.” (Neal A. Maxwell)
I testify that the beauty of the words of God brings life eternal to my mortal soul. The scriptures speak to me. They tell me that God loves me, that I can repent and become clean, that even though I don’t know what will happen tomorrow, I can know what my future will hold. You can know these truths for yourself, feel them deep in your heart, as they explode in rejoicings of your eternal blessings.
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