There is so much power in the knowledge we have of our divine origin, and of who we truly were before we came to this earth. The scriptures teach us that we were “noble and great”, that we were the “faithful daughters” of Mother Eve, and that we took an active role in the councils of heaven. The world conspires to give us an image of ourselves that is distorted and weakened. As we pray to be reminded of the women we were before, we will have the strength to live to our true identities. To follow the course our Father wants us to take, and anxiously awaits our arrival.
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf told the brethren, in his conference talk “A Matter of a Few Degrees” (General Conference April 2008), “Our Heavenly Father knew before we came to this mortal existence that negative forces would tempt us to drift from our course, ‘for all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.’ That is why He prepared a way for us to make corrections.” This teaching is true for the sisters, as well.
We are glorious women of promise in this unrighteous world. Heavenly Father prepared us in our youth to become the women we are today, and He now prepares us to become the mothers and wives in our future. How has Heavenly Father prepared you?
President Uchtdorf continues, “The Lord reminds us that ‘unto whom much is given much is required.’ Those who bear the priesthood (or support the priesthood) of God have a great responsibility to be examples of goodness to the world. We live up to these expectations when we quickly recognize the dangers and influences that tempt us to drift from the Lord’s way and when we courageously follow the promptings of the Holy Ghost to make decisive corrections that will bring us back on course.”
The Atonement allows us to get back on course. The Atonement became very real to me while I was on my mission. There was a time when all my weaknesses, shortcomings, and pride hit me in the face. I was eating a lot of humble pie at the time. The guilt was making me almost physically sick. I cried out, as Alma the Younger did, for forgiveness. It took time, but eventually I felt that forgiveness. I testify that if we let it, the Atonement can clean us inside and out. The Atonement is such a beautiful thing, it covers the whole world and it can also be so personal that it can literally engulf you in its arms.
President Uchtdorf councils, “No matter how terribly off course you are, no matter how far you have strayed, the way back is certain and clear. Come, learn of the Father; offer up a sacrifice of a broken heart and a contrite spirit. Have faith, and believe in the cleansing power of the infinite Atonement of Jesus the Christ. It we confess and repent of our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”