The oratorio begins the biblical story of Mary, Martha, and their brother Lazarus. After the death of Lazarus, Martha comes to the Savior singing, “Touch my heart, and bid it know that every sorrow here is but a moment’s tear, and thou wilt make me whole again.” I love the lyrics of her plea for the Lord to heal her. I love this, because we also have similar pleas throughout our lives. When trials overwhelm us, we can be reminded that those small moments of grief, pain, temptation, and fear can be healed, they can be made whole. Just as the Savior healed Mary and Martha and made them whole.
This production included a solo sung by Peter. This was very touching to me as I heard it. Peter sang, “I cannot watch them” after he realized he had denied the Lord three times. This solo was beautiful, not only was it sung well, the words were so powerful. “I cannot watch them take my Lord. I can’t endure their cruel hands upon Him…I cannot hear them mock His name. I cannot bear their foul breath upon Him… I will not watch them crucify my Lord, for I know this Man.” Peter loved the Savior. “The Lamb of God” showed that so well, especially this song. Peter couldn’t bear to see the mockery, the whipping, and the spitting that the Savior endured. What would you have done if you were in Peter’s place? The way we live our lives shows how much we love the Savior. We show him in our obedience, in our covenant keeping, and in how we treat each other.
One final song I would like to share with you was the song sung by Mary, the Mother of Christ. I also loved this song. She sings, “Here despair cries boldly, claiming this its victory. Sweeter peace enfolds me: Hope did not die here, but here was given. Here is Hope.” Mary sang these beautiful words while kneeling at the foot of the cross on that Friday night. Sunday came and Mary Magdalene saw the Savior. She rejoiced in song, “Morning has dawned and will stretch forth her wing. No more the night holds thee his captive, Jesus is risen, my Savior and King. I’ll sing Gloria, glory to the Lord! Gloria, glory for the life he doth give! Gloria for my Savior lives!” Because He lives, we can have hope. Because he lives, we can have the faith to endure and overcome.
Participating in this production strengthened my testimony of how much the followers and apostles loved and trusted the Savior. We also can learn to love and have faith in the Savior, Jesus Christ. We can show that love by taking that first step into the darkness and believe, moving forward in faith.
Big productions are a lot of work, and take much time and commitment, but sometimes nothing testifies stronger than beautiful lyrics and music.