It’s pretty amazing to think that the Church, in this last dispensation, started with just six people at its organization. Martin Harris, who was one of the Three Witnesses, had lot’s of money, and supplied the means to publish the Book of Mormon. People were put in Joseph Smith’s path that helped him carry forward the work. Even when things went bad, the Church still managed to grow.
We are the only Church that has a “lay” clergy. The Priesthood is our government. In other words, we follow the governing power of the Priesthood. But because we are so imperfect, and often unprofessional, we muddle through the Lord’s House Rules. It is really a wonder that this Church hasn’t imploded with all the mistakes members make in their callings, in their ministry, or toward one another. Actually, there are far too many people who leave the Church because of hurt feelings.
But no matter. “George Albert Smith (and all of our prophets) remained confident that the Church would continue to grow and realize its destiny to ‘fill the whole earth’ (Daniel 2:35).” (p. 157)
On most statistics, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the fastest growing Church in the United States. The Church pays for its Church buildings and temples before the buildings are completed. All wards and branches are supported by the Church. One of the top private universities, in the world, is funded by the Church, with satellites in several places. The Church owns more land, throughout the world, than any other large corporation. And my favorite thing to remember: when I eat McDonald french fries, I am more than likely eating Mormon potatoes.
And Mormons seem to be everywhere. We are represented in the Olympics, in the music business, in movies, in government, and of course, even running for president of the United States; which is a position many people see as “the most powerful leader in the world”.
Satan may think he is the god of this world, but clearly the Lord is King of His Kingdom here upon the earth. The 20th century “brought new technologies that President Smith believed would further the Lord’s work.” (p. 159) Airplanes fly Mormons all over the world to spread the word of God. Radio and Television takes General Conference and the Mormon Tabernacle Choir’s Spoken Word to countless homes across the globe. Now we have the Satellite and Internet.
We have so much available, at our fingertips, to bring people to the knowledge of the gospel, but really “if the members of this Church will continue to keep the commandments of God, live their religion, set an example to the world, and love their neighbor as themselves, we will go forward, and increasing happiness will flow to us.” (p. 159)
That is really the key. Seeing a “bad” Mormon won’t stop the growth of the Church, but it sure doesn’t help. And maybe “bad” Mormon is a strong word. Mormons need to make note of some specific qualities that will make working in the Kingdom run as smooth as silk:
For the natural man is an enemy to God, and has been from the fall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he yields to the enticings of the Holy Sprit, and putteth off the natural man and becometh a saint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, and becometh as a child, submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father. (Mosiah 3:19)
Sadly, there are members of the Church that would thwart the Church. There will be members who use their power in unrighteous ways. There is apathy, imperfect judgment, and opposition encountered in every ward.
I know that there are many problems and there will be greater problems as the days come and go, but the same Father in heaven that led the Children of Israel, that saved Daniel and the three Hebrew children from destruction, the same Heavenly Father that preserved our forebears that came into the Salt Lake Valley and established them here, and blessed them and made it possible in the poverty of the people to have this great Salt Lake Temple and other great temples,…that same Father, your Father and mine, is ready to pour out his blessings upon us today. (p. 163-4)
We need to remember that Heavenly Father is in charge. He will let things go wrong before He lets them go right. But His gospel will spread. “The Savior said this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations, and then shall the end come! The Lord would not require an impossibility. He is removing the obstructions, and the gospel “shall be preached.”
“Zion will be redeemed, and the world, which now misunderstands the work of “Mormonism,” will live to know that it is the power of God unto salvation to those who will keep the commandments of our Father.” (p. 165)
The rest of the above paragraph is a powerful concluding testimony from the prophet George Albert Smith.