I ponder Relief Society constantly. I think about its history and all that our organization has accomplished over the years. I think of its purpose. I believe Relief Society has but one purpose, but so many wonderful ways to achieve it. And I think of its destiny. What is in store? When the gospel was restored to the earth, the men received the mantel of the priesthood, and likewise the women received the duty and responsibility of Relief Society.
When I read about the women in the Old Testament, I am amazed at their powerful examples. Because Eliza R. Snow recorded what Joseph Smith said of the women always being organized when the priesthood was on the earth, I think of them and how they must have understood who they were, and what the Lord expected of them. Sure, they were human, but they were spiritual, strong, smart, good, and beautiful.
The New Testament was another episode in history that let’s us see spiritual, strong, smart, good, and beautiful women. The women mentioned played pivotal roles during that time period. The unmentioned women probably did too. Of course, this time period also includes the Book of Mormon, and even though we don’t see many women examples, we can still sense their great faithfulness and love for the Savior.
History has always had bad examples, but our scriptures show us the way the Lord treats women. And He always treats them well.
It was during the Middle Ages, when Apostasy reigned upon the earth, that we really saw men treating women poorly. I believe Satan, who of course knows the value of a good and righteous woman, set his devious plan, to suffocate them, mistreat them, and in many ways, defeat them. Satan made the men bullies and the women weak and petty during this lost time.
Finally, the Church was restored upon the earth. Almost immediately the Lord set things to right, bringing the priesthood back, and organizing the women once again. There was a stark contrast between the world, with its low opinions, and the Restoration, with its return to human glory. Both men and women responded by rolling their sleeves up, allowing inspiration to be their guide, and getting to work, building the Kingdom of God. They have accomplished much, but we must carry it through to the end.
Our purpose is to build the Kingdom of God. We do this by saving one soul at a time, starting with our families. Then we reach out to all those around us, and ultimately across the globe as we become one huge family waiting for the Father of this world to return and reign as King over the entire earth.
It’s a simple purpose with many facets. The Lord knows we are individuals with various talents, gifts, and opportunities. In the scriptures we are instructed specifically to use these abilities within us to bless the lives of one another.
We have a built-in purpose, because we were organized under the priesthood, that reaches from our pre-earth life to eternity. Sadly, the world continues to reinvent it’s own purposes. Think about what the Middle Ages did to women. It’s horrible what our sisters had to endure. Throughout that time women had to devise ways to fight back. Spunky women have lived through the ages and we love to read about them, and honor them, for their bravery and desires to bring women up in society. I’m sure our Heavenly Father approves of these women and their accomplishments.
As Mormon women, we feel that same desire to stand up against the Middle Ages mentality. But Mormon women forget that we are Relief Society. We try to align ourselves with world views and organizations thinking this is how we go about making a stand, but we don’t have to. We are the Relief Society.
As members of the largest organization of women in the world, and as members of the true Church of Jesus Christ, we don’t have to align ourselves with anyone. We don’t need to reinvent anything to fit our religion. We are Relief Society, given to us by the Lord Himself. Every time the gospel has been on the earth, those women disciples have been honored, respected, and trusted by Jesus Christ.

When the early members of Relief Society came to this valley, the Lord entrusted them to use their talents to make astounding progress the world had never seen before. The priesthood allowed them to stretch and grow and discover to their hearts desire. The Lord set in motion his purposes, and the women were a necessary aspect of His plan. I think it fascinating that because Mormon women lived the law of polygamy, they were pushed away by worldly women. No one wanted to align themselves with the strange western religionists. Only the radical women accepted them, as our sisters fought for the right to vote. As open and friendly as these women became toward one another, our sisters still kept their identity as Mormon Women, loyal to their religion, to their priesthood, and to their God.
But Satan isn’t through yet. In our day, we have sisters who casually go to Relief Society, but do not see themselves as the powerful Relief Society we are. Satan is a brutal slave master. He carves out the heart of any woman he can strip and cut down. He captures her heart when she yearns for more things, and is never satisfied. He helps her find worldly solutions to her problems. He snatches her honor and faith leaving her stripped and naked. With this counter-enticement, we have Relief Society sisters who would choose worldly groups, societies, and organizations over our holy Relief Society.

Yes, our Relief Society is holy. It is an integral part of our Church. The priesthood would not be able to fulfill its destiny without our organization, and our help. Valiant men and women have been ordained, from beyond this world, to fulfill a magnificent work among the children of men. Let Satan do his worst. Let people of the world do their best to escape from his chains. The Relief Society will be standing at the ready to welcome those who seek refuge. We will be training, teaching, and leading all children to Come Unto Christ. We will be organized, watchful, and ready to enter any fray that would deter us from our glorious goal. As Ruth May Fox (2nd Young Women General President) said, “The Kingdom of God, or nothing!”
Oh how I wish all the sisters in the church could understand the truths in this post. Too many have been snared by the adversary by listening to the philosophies of men and being drawn into thinking there is more to being a woman than what is taught by the prophets. Thanks for sharing and please keep up the good work.
Thanks for this beautiful article. It reminds me of Elder Talmage’s statement about women and the priesthood . . . Mortal eye cannot see nor mind comprehend” a faithful women’s destiny.
Thanks for this!! It’s so important to understand our heritage that we are all a part of!