2012 General Women’s Meeting

This Saturday I hope all Relief Society women are planning on tuning in to the General Women’s Meeting. It’s been 170 years since Joseph Smith called the sisters together. This will be the first time we hear from our new Relief Society General Presidency. We hope to catch their vision and be reenergized to do the work of Relief Society.

You know, for years these women have spoken to us, quoting from the Nauvoo Relief Society Minute Book, and we never made that connection. Somewhere along the way we lost the history of this organization. We knew the women met together and we knew they were women of faith and we knew some of the things they said, such as Lucy Mack Smith’s beautiful words, “We must cherish one another, watch over one another, comfort one another, and give instruction that we may all sit down in Heaven together.”  But, not many of us understood there was a record that we could look at, study, and read for ourselves what those sisters heard when Joseph Smith came to speak to them. Now, we can read this precious document for ourselves.

I think we’re all familiar with this sculpture by Florence Hansen. The scene depicts Joseph offering Pres. Emma Smith a $5 gold piece to begin the charitable funds for this brand new organization called Relief Society. As she accepts it in one hand, her other hand holds the now historic Minute Book by her side. May we take the time to study the words in this book, to know for ourselves why Relief Society must be a part of our lives, as we are a part of the Church, and this gospel of Jesus Christ.

When our leaders speak to us Saturday night, listen carefully to the message they share with us. I don’t know if they will, but I hope they will, draw from our sweet Nauvoo sisters. I hope their message reminds us of those purposes Joseph Smith taught, and appointed all sisters to do, in the name of Relief Society.

And because we live in a society with problems, we want our new presidency to relate to us, help us, encourage, us, and give us some spiritual strength to go on living our lives the best way we can.


I hope you have a testimony, as I do, and as Eliza R. Snow stated, “According to authentic testimony, an organization of which the present FemaleRelief Society is a fac-simile, has always existed when the Church of Jesus Christ has been fully organized.” We are eternal beings and as sisters in our Lord’s Church we are given the assignment to be faithful, raise and strengthen our families, and serve one another. This is what we were created to do, this is what we were born to do, and this is what we long to do forever and ever.
What will you be listening for this Saturday night?