If you went to the Conference Center for the Women’s Meeting, you probably received some nicely bow-tied tissues. It was so thoughtful for

It wasn’t until we sat down and began overhearing some of the sisters around us that we realized that we had been completely fooled. Every tissue package had this card inserted inside. This card is Anti-Mormon propaganda, well disguised. How easily fooled we can be.
The tissues actually came from a religious group set on saving and converting Mormons. They study our religion; teach seminars on how to catch us in our own doctrine, and boldly answer questions that arise from questioning Mormons, or others who want to find out what Mormons believe.
We suddenly didn’t feel like using these tissues anymore, but one sister behind us said, “I’m going to blow my nose extra hard and fill every one of these tissues with crud!” We made it a funny situation, but it makes me sad to see how easy it is to get deceived. This wasn’t too bad of a situation, but next time are we going to be so lucky?
Well, I thought the Women’s Conference held powerful testimonies from our leaders. I’m looking forward to reading the talks thoroughly. But, as I quickly jotted down notes, I was happy to feast on the wonderful doctrine of our gospel.
Each member of the Relief Society presidency talked about a way we can wear the Atonement, use it daily, and make it a part of our very being. We were assured that we are loved, no matter what. Heavenly Father watches over each one of His daughters.
Sis. Burton: When we have the doctrine deep in our hearts, we will feel the power of the Atonement.
Sis. Stephens: Leave the world behind and gain the Kingdom of God.
Sis. Reeves: Cast your burdens upon Him. Jesus is perfectly compassionate. We can go to Him and not be alone in our trials.
I loved Pres. Eyring’s description of a circle. The Savior is always in the circle. It is up to us to invite all sisters to sit in the circle. In the circle, together we can coordinate a plan, make it a team effort and act as an organized society where we will increase in love as we serve one another. Just as Lucy Mack Smith hoped for, and prophesied, so long ago.
The tissues were an interesting “attack”, but they cannot wipe away my testimony. Just like Jacob, “I could not be shaken”. And as Alma said, “I have all things as a testimony that these things are true.” And as the Queen of the Lamanites spoke, “The servants of my husband have made it known unto me that thou art a prophet of a holy God…I believe that it shall be according as thou hast said.” Faith comes in all sizes. If we but believe, the Lord, our Savior, will carry us through each one of our hardships. We learned this here in the Conference Center where we are in the right place.
This is what I heard in our meeting tonight. And I thought it was beautiful, inspiring, and hopeful for our future as women in the Church.
What did you hear?
Jan–I actually knew the woman who gave me the tissues. (She is my niece’s daughter. My neice is a very active Latter-day Saint.) I knew the tissues would have some anti element to them, although I have not yet opened mine. I stood and talked to her (because I did know her and I figured for every moment I talked, someone wouldn’t get the tissues.) She is on my facebook and I do intend to take this up with her. I assume that there was more than one person passing them out. But that was my experience. I’m sure she was surprised, and I even a bit embarrassed to see me. I was not quite so much surprised to see her doing this.
I just find it amazing that people spend this much time trying to outwit us by studying our faith, stalking our meetings, and gifting us with the ultimate of cheap gifts (and I’m not talking about the package of tissues). Beware, Be warned, and Be cynically friendly, I guess. And thank goodness these icky feelings were short-lived, because the messages inside were strong and filled with the Spirit.
Wow, talk about wolves in sheep’s clothing. It would be hard for me to shake the feeling that I was being assaulted in my safe place. I’m so glad you were able to let the Spirit take that feeling away and enjoy the talks. At the end of the meeting I watched as Pres. Monson began to leave, he walked a bit and then seemed to pause and watch the sisters leave. I imagined that he was enjoying our unity as the sisters left the conference center, such a big circle that encompasses the whole earth!
Well, I am so interested to hear about this story of the tissues. I think their little plan backfired. The tissues may have been used to wipe away tears of gratitude for the blessings of the restored Gospel and tears for the love, mercy and compassion of our Savior. I’m sure there were no tears shed for those trying to pervert the truth… unless they were the tears of the weeping God in Moses 7. They are his children too and blindly follow a hateful course where there is no power or truth.
Who knew that their generous, useful gift could be used to wipe the tears brought on by the Spirit of the Lord. It amazes me that the Spirit clearly does not touch them as they study so carefully our religion for such perverse purposes.
Jen–I saw Pres. Monson wave to everyone too. You know, if we were to sit in our seats long enough we would see that he does that at every conference. It’s a nice tradition.
Though the cards on the tissues had references to Christian websites, I just wonder how this could really be considered “anti-Mormon” material? There was a simple Bible verse on the card, and it is a very nice reference to something Jesus promised. Are we now considering Jesus’ words to be anti-Mormon? I find your assumption ill thought out, and lacking respect for our Savior’s words. Those people were not anti-Mormons. They are PRO Mormons… that’s why they were out there. They love Mormons, and they took time away from their families, and their daily lives to share this free gift with the women attending the conference. I hope you will consider a revision of your story, and recognize that you were making an incorrect assumption.
I checked the websites. Definitely ANTI-Mormon.