I am finishing up, teaching in my Book of Mormon class, the chapters of Alma in the Book of Mormon that focus on many of the great battles between the Lamanites and the Nephites. These principles can be applied to strategy and how we may personally make decisions in time of actual war. But maybe more importantly these principles help us in the constant battle we find ourselves in, with the adversary, the raging spiritual war that started in the pre-mortal Council in Heaven and continues today here in mortality.
These are some of the principles:
- Attitude is Critical
- Motive is Critical
- Righteousness is Critical
- Electing and Following Great Moral Leaders is Critical
First, attitude is critical. The Lamanites attitude was to “preserve” and “stir up their hatred towards the Nephites” (see Alma 43:7-8); while the Nephites attitude was to be “compelled” and “obliged” to go to battle; it was a last resort. (See Alma 43:13-14). Attitude is critical in spiritual warfare with Satan. We need to avoid being stirred up and caught up in negative emotions which so many times leads us to do many regrettable things. If we delay and allow knee jerk emotions to command our attitude, we would indeed be compelled to do foolish things.
Second, motive is critical. The Lamanites motive was to destroy, usurp great power over, and put the Nephites into bondage (see Alma 43:8); while the Nephites motive was to defend and preserve their lands, houses, wives, children and liberty (see Alma 43:9). Motive is critical in the spiritual fight. Motives of purity and justness are great antidotes to pride and too much ambition. When we are more concerned about others, and their rights and privileges, and not ourselves our motives cannot be used by the adversary as a way to tempt and defeat us.
Third, righteousness is critical. The Lamanites were not righteous and attributed the Nephites success to superior armor, weapons and tactics (see Alma 44:9). Indeed, the Nephites did have better armor and tactics, but they gave all of the credit of their victories to God (see Alma 44:3-5). When we live the gospel, and keep the commandments of God, He will help fight our battles. He will preserve us. He will protect us. He will get us through the very difficult times. Our righteousness is the very best breastplate, or spiritual armor, to resist and overcome the adversary.
Fourth, electing and following great moral leaders is critical. The Lamanites were lead by very wicked and selfish leaders (see Alma 48: 7; 49:10); while the Nephite leaders were God-fearing and unselfish. (See Alma 48:11-13,17-18). When we follow our local and general church leaders, we will be blessed. Great moral leaders care more about others than themselves. Our prophet, President Thomas S. Monson, cares more about the poor, fatherless, widows, and others than himself. If we follow their teachings and counsel we will overcome the spiritual battle against evil and the adversary.
With the recent results of the national election in the United States, where President Obama was re-elected, many are discouraged that we don’t have a very strong moral leader. I was personally pretty discouraged. The war chapters make is very clear that it is absolutely critical that we have morally strong leaders like Captain Moroni and Helaman.
The night of the results of the election, I was quite discouraged with the outcome and was reading in Alma 58:36-37. This was a direct answer to my personal discouragement. Helaman in this chapter has been relating to Moroni that he and his army don’t understand why the Nephite government hasn’t been sending necessary re-enforcements and provisions. Then Helaman states in verse 36, “…behold we fear that there is some faction in the government…” and then he declares in verse 37, “But, behold, it mattereth not – we trust God will deliver us”. Wow, this was an answer I needed to hear. It mattereth not if there is a faction in our government, it mattereth not who was re-elected, it mattereth not – we will trust God, who is the greatest of all moral leaders, and He will deliver us!
My soul was filled with peace and comfort that can only come by the Spirit. These verses really helped me deal with results of the presidential election. They gave me hope and took away all my fears. We still need to do our very best in electing and supporting just people to serve as our leaders but if the majority choose who they choose, we should never forgot who our ultimate leader is who can and will save and deliver us.
The war chapters in the last part of the book of Alma is some very exciting reading, and a favorite with many members, and especially the youth in the Church, but it is in following these principles in battling the war against Satan and his unjust ways that will helps us the most in these Latter-days.