Can you feel it?
The momentum is changing throughout the Church. Before the Coming of the Lord, all will have opportunity to hear of Jesus Christ and either accept or reject Him. As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints we are being asked to be His messengers and spread His gospel to all corners of the earth.
Every day we mingle with people who are ready to hear the gospel. It is up to us to show ourselves, speak up for the Church, and reveal the Spirit of the Lord so they can discover where all truth lies. We are literally on the most important errand of the Lord as we help people find the happiness and joy they seek.
We can no longer bind ourselves down with fear. This can no longer be an excuse for inaction.
Our Church Leaders have taught us how to pray to find people to talk to. We have all the tools at our disposal to teach, testify, and proclaim when called upon. The Spirit speaks to each one of us who have ears to hear. We have been invited to extend an invitation.
Pull out your Preach My Gospel. Go through the lessons by yourself, with your family, or with a few of your friends. Soak up the rich passages that give you the power and ability to express yourself sincerely. Know the scriptures. Be comfortable with the scriptures. Let the scriptures speak your testimony and love of the Savior.
Chapter 9 of Preach My Gospel is entitled Finding People. Read through this chapter to learn ways to step outside yourself, reach out in new ways, prepare one-minute messages, or set goals. You will find motivation to do what each of us has been called to do. The Prophet Joseph Smith said, “After all that has been said, the greatest and most important duty is to preach the Gospel.”
I am continually impressed at the ease Christian women bloggers seem to have in stating their beliefs. In some cases, I suppose it may be perceived pushy, or even a little weird, but overall these sincere women live their belief well, and we might take a lesson in it. They talk freely about how they use prayer in their lives, or encourage others to have faith in the Lord. These women teach their children to love Jesus and share their clever teaching moments with other mothers.
When you visit teach, don’t TALK about sharing the gospel. Come prepared to SHARE the gospel, whether she is a scripture scholar or a less active, she will appreciate the spirit you bring into her home. We are passed lessons that prepare us to do these things. We are now expected to SHARE, TEACH, MOTIVATE, INSPIRE, and ANSWER any questions that may arise. If you feel the sister you visit is more spiritual than you, ASK HER TO TEACH YOU. Open doors that will allow the gospel to bless each of your lives.
One more suggestion: Read 3 Nephi together. This may take more than one time-period, but will serve as a special time of bonding together. In 3 Nephi you will read how the Nephites were at one of their most righteous times AND one of their most wicked. And you will read the words of the Savior who loves us so very much. He has asked us to Come Unto Him and to Find His Sheep that we may ALL return back to our Heavenly Father’s presence.