When the Church was first restored, Joseph spoke to everyone he met about the Book of Mormon and the gospel. With all that he was learning at the time he must have been so excited to share it all. First, individuals listened to him, then they would bring their families, because they were excited to share this message with them.
I often imagine the excitement that spread like wildfire. Sure there were those who wanted nothing to do with angels and golden plates, but those who were open to that idea felt the Spirit and drew close to Joseph. Which way would I have turned, if I had heard the strange rumors and stories? Would the Spirit have been able to pierce my stony heart?
As more and more families gathered, they followed Joseph first to Kirtland, then to Missouri, and finally to Nauvoo. So much persecution surrounded them. Yet, they kept the faith, and especially their excitement, over the promises of the gospel and what their personal involvement was.
In Nauvoo, finally stable, and with the hope of planting roots, the sisters wanted to be involved. They must have met often, helping one another get situated in this beautiful city that was growing all around them. Their self-appointed job was to welcome newcomers; see to their welfare and comfort. Back then I imagine the sisters needed each other as many of them had left family behind to join this new religion. Perhaps they were newly married, or in need of shelter, a new dress, or comfort after the loss of a child. Whatever the case, these women reached out to one another, sharing their goods, their testimony, and themselves. Once the Relief Society was organized there was electricity in the air as sisters flocked to the meetings. Oh yes, these women wanted to be involved, loved, and accepted of the Lord and his works.
Today, we want the same. Circumstances are different, but the desire is still there. We need to reach out to one another fulfilling needs in both the sisters we teach, as well as ourselves. We understand the gospel and we have an innate desire to share the good news through our actions, acceptance, example, and love.
This is a one-by-one gospel. It takes one person to stretch her hand out to another who clasps it in friendship. This initial step brings salvation to both.
A friend recently told me of a sister who had gone to the temple with 300+ names. She hoped that the baptisms could all be done at once; it would save time and was more efficient that way. It took a while to convince her that is not how things are done in the temple. I couldn’t help but respond with this comment, “When she arrives in heaven, is she going to want one representative hug from these people, or will she delight in having each ancestor hug her in grateful gratitude?” Reaching out to the individual is so gratifying. Heavenly Father really knew what He was doing when He designed His gospel of reaching out to the one.
There are so many Laurels who are never incorporated into the loving arms of the Relief Society. A little love and encouragement goes such a long way and will more than likely change the very life of this young woman.
Al Fox is a young woman who was leading a directionless life until the missionaries found her in upstate New York. She says, “Going into baptism, I was really embarrassed, so I didn’t invite my family or friends. When I got confirmed, that contrast was huge that it really was a physical difference. When I got the gift of the Holy Ghost, me being embarrassed and ashamed completely disappeared because of how I felt. I wanted to scream to all of New York, all of my friends and especially my family, that happiness is real.” I love that having tattoos doesn’t stop her from going to the temple, or creating a blog for youth to catch the vision, or setting a good example for others to follow.
Life isn’t easy for any of us, but the gospel remains true. We covenanted with the Lord to share His gospel with His children during our time on this earth. Are we searching to fulfill that covenant? Opportunities are all around us and more will come if we request it through prayer.
And one other thing remains true. We all need to be needed. A simple invitation opens the door to friendship, acceptance, and love. How many times have we sat next to someone we don’t know wondering who is going to speak up first? Worse yet, we sit one chair away. A simple introduction warms the scenario immediately and before you know it we are laughing over something we both relate to. A new friendship? No, probably a continuation from long ago on the other side of the veil.
Al Fox can be found at www.alfoxshead.blogspot.com/
Mormon Times article about Al Fox