- Study the messages carefully.
- Be good citizens and good neighbors.
- Be tolerant, kind, and loving.
- Jesus has shown us how to act on a daily basis.
- Visit others.
- Rejoice!
- Let Jesus guide us.
- May our homes be filled with harmony and the spirit, so we can stand against the buffetings of Satan.
And this is just Pres. Monson’s list for us. There was much more in the other talks given throughout the weekend.
So, how are you going to incorporate these changes into your life, become a more Christ-like person, and strengthen yourself and your loved ones? Here’s my list:
After listening to Sister Burton last week at the Relief Society Training Meeting, I had already decided to study the Atonement, as she suggested. I decided to read through The Infinite Atonement, by Tad R. Callister. As I go through the book, I am also looking up each of the scriptures he refers to. As I mark these references, and study them in their context, I hope to have a better understanding of this holy gift from our Savior. Building and strengthening my own testimony has become very important to me. There are too many things in this world to get sidetracked on, and I want to have purpose in my life.
There were a few talks about women in the Church. Elder Ballard explained how women take an active role, along with their husbands, in the priesthood. I have just spent the last couple of months reading about women and the priesthood; both from the scriptures and the Brethren (and they have spoken much on this subject!). It is our responsibility, as women, to understand our very important role in the Plan of Salvation. The world would have us be angry, dissatisfied, and disobedient just to prevent us from knowing the truth. But the truth will always be the truth. We have a place, a role, and a promise. Our Heavenly Father loves us and anticipates blessing our lives through the covenants we make with Him.
When Sister Dalton told us about the scripture on the back of the carpet at the podium, I immediately thought of all of the testimonies and witnesses that have been born in that very spot. Indeed, we can stand anywhere as a Witness.
Elder Porter told us not to fear the future. We have reason to rejoice. In fact, just think about it: we have 69,000 missionaries! And that number should grow to about 90,000 by the end of the year! That’s incredible!! The Lord is hastening His work and we do not want to be left behind. As Elder Nelson said, “Catch the Wave!” Whether you are attending a new ward, receiving a new calling, or quietly serving anywhere, ask the Lord, “Who needs me? How can I help?” as Elder Ellis invited us to do. I loved Elder Anderson’s encouraging words. Every member is still a missionary. No more guilt, just faith. Be ready with answers to share. Pray to know what to do, what to say, what to know. This isn’t missionary work; this is missionary fun!
Many of the talks reminded us to carefully obey; pay attention to the choices that are in the world and choose to obey Heavenly Father. Study the scriptures so we know what, and how, to obey. Obedience will bring us peace and happiness. It will begin a healing in us. Obedience will make us humble, teachable, and forgiveable. Don’t worry so much about the past; begin today to be better than yesterday. The attitude of an obedient heart allows miracles to occur. We all must pass through tests; let us come out of them through our faith and obedience.
Yes, there is much to ponder as we pray and discover how to make our journey in the way of the Lord.