I don’t have much to say about this month’s visiting teaching message. But I do have some questions.
- What did those Saints, in Nauvoo, know about the Lord that made receiving their endowment so important before crossing the Plains?
- Are we as anxious to go to the temple as those Saints were?
- When we go to the temple, what relationship are we concentrating on, and developing?
Next time you go to the temple, listen for the word—Receive. The Lord is giving us many things when we go inside His Holy House. And we are there to receive these gifts. Too many of us mistakenly use the word—Take—when we talk about going to the temple. As you participate in the various ordinances, listen and receive.
And for those sisters who have not entered the temple yet. Make yourself ready to receive blessings so numerous you will not be able to hold them all. The Lord loves each of us and gives us so much more than we deserve. But He offers these gifts freely, so we might receive openly, obediently, while offering our whole selves to Him who accepts us and blesses us even in our weakness.
Covenants made in the temple offer us strength and power to overcome Satan in our homes, in our thoughts, and in our choices. May we let the power of the temple rest upon our spirits.