“A fine member of the Church was talking with a neighbor who was not of our faith. When the topic of discussion turned to general conference, the neighbor asked, “You say you have prophets and apostles? And twice a year in a worldwide conference they reveal the word of God?”
“Absolutely,” the member replied with confidence.
The neighbor thought about that for a moment. He seemed genuinely interested and then asked, “What did they say in the last general conference?”
At this point the good member of the Church went from feeling excited about sharing the gospel to feeling embarrassed. Try as he might, he couldn’t think of the details of a single talk.
His friend found this troubling and said, “You mean to tell me that God speaks to man in our day and you can’t remember what He said?”
Pres. Uchtdorf shared this as a First Presidency Message to help us prepare for the upcoming General Conference, but I would suggest this is a great message to think about in between our conferences.
It’s a very good question to ask ourselves often, in fact: “What is the most recent thing God has told me through His prophets? And what He has told you may be different than what He told your neighbor. Through personal revelation, we are entitled to get the personal touch as our Heavenly Father speaks to us about our weaknesses and trials, and our personal hopes and needs.
Relief Society sisters can help one another discover meaning in these talks from our leaders. As we share insights and thoughts, we may trigger in one another deeper understanding, or motivation to work together, or simply inspire one another to overcome and achieve. Sisters who love and care for one another can be catalysts to make changes in one another’s lives, be our partners on the road to perfection, and build confidence in one another as we develop our warrior spirits.
Yes, I know we select various conference addressed once a month in our regular meetings, but how many of us go home pondering how we’re going to use that talk to make our lives better? And even still, we are only reviewing from four to six of the thirty or so talks given.
The only way to really know what the Lord is telling us is if we study the words, break them down into specific personal commandments and goals, and then practice them. As individual as these insights will be to each person, most of us need to work on many of the same things, and women love partners. By forming an activity group that meets weekly, sisters can come together prepared to discuss their ideas, feelings, personal experiences, practices, etc. in a safe environment. Here are some ways you might like to lead a discussion:
- What was your favorite talk, and why?
- What were some of the themes of conference? What should we do about these themes in our personal lives?
- Look up all of the scripture references to understand the doctrine of these themes.
- Go through all of the talks together and create a list of everything we have been asked to do.
- Systematically go through that list, doing everything you can, and share your experiences with one another.
- Create a list of all of the promises and blessings our leaders have told us we can receive when we do and accept the will of our Heavenly Father.
- Have a testimony meeting together where all can testify of personal growth?
- Discuss ways these talks can be used in our various callings. Use the aids in the back of the issue. Share with one another experiences in church classrooms; comments and insights made, especially by our youth. We want to know what our youth are thinking.
- Be humble. Be exemplars of the faith. Live your testimony.
You will probably discover that six months isn’t enough time to digest all the material, or practice what you must do. Whatever you do, don’t get frustrated and overwhelmed. Be diligent, consistent, and persistent as you continue your quest.
Don’t be afraid to cross-reference material, recalling past addresses that cover a similar topic. Our leaders have been speaking to us for a long time and they have taught us a lot. Too many times really good talks are forgotten. Use LDS Citation, or look over past General Conference issues of the Ensign, all for the purpose of gaining truth and understanding that your faith may grow.
We can’t always take the time to think about, digest, or ponder deeply anything during our Sunday meetings. It’s a shame, but I know you recognize what I’m saying. Putting effort into a non-stressful get-together-type activity where a few sisters can feel involved and connected will not only help you feel the spirit during the week, it will connect you as sisters. Who knows maybe you’ll all write your own “Unfinished Composition.”
“General Conference—No Ordinary Blessing”, Pres. Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Ensign, Sep 2011