Who doesn’t love the words in Isaiah that were put into incredibly vibrant music by Handel? Isaiah 7:14; 9:6; 35:5-10; 40:5,9; 53:3-6; and the grand Amens in Rev 5:12-13. You can’t help but want to sing along, it is all so glorious!
The scriptures are full of song; praises to our King and Deliverer. By reading verse after verse of praises you will develop a song of your very own. When you read the scriptures, they will sing to you and you will join in. You won’t be able to help it.
In D&C 84:98 it says that all “shall lift up their voice, and with the voice together sing this new song.” What is this new song? How will you recognize it?
Keep reading and it will tell you the words to the song. So, if we are all going to sing it, should we panic because we don’t know the tune, or worse, can’t sing a note in a bucket? No. There is no need to panic.
Read verses 99-102. Did your heart sing as you read? Why?
Because Jesus Christ will come to the marriage feast and collect His bride, which is His righteous people (which is us, hopefully!) In Revelation 19:1-7 we read about the great chorus of people who will sing Alleluia. There will be so many of us, do you think we’re going to be worried about who can or cannot sing? No. We will be too happy.
At the End, when all wickedness is bound, and thrust out, we will see Jesus Christ, know who He is, bow in grateful gratitude, and automatically burst into song with our hearts full of joy and melody. We will know what His atoning sacrifice meant to us, because we will see the darkness disperse completely and know that we are safe in His everlasting arms.
I challenge you to do a search and find all the scriptures you can find on the new song, song of redeeming love, as well as praises to our Lord and Savior. Your heart will swell and your song will be born.
Another favorite that I will share is found in D&C 128:23. Where human beings have the gift of agency, and choose to follow Christ or not, animals, plants, and earth rock know who their Redeemer is naturally; they always obey and if we listen for it, we may just hear them singing their praises every single day.
One more place I go to find joyful reprieve is the Psalms. I have marked every passage where David sings God’s praises in my scriptures as well as in a journal. It makes me love Psalms, and for me, this is a place where I can contemplate that love and be refreshed. In the world we live in, we need to find a place of refuge, of rejuvenation; a place we can get back on track and remember our longing to return back to the glorious kingdom of God.
Find your new song, or better yet, read the words that have already been born and sing them in your own heart.