So many women are doing good things today. We should all keep our eyes and ears open to extend ourselves and share our unity in faith.
Some bright young women, at Brigham Young University, have developed a film about strong Mormon women. You may be interested in watching this 30 minute video at their website called I am a woman of faith .
In the video, you will hear some stories of LDS women who have felt the direction of the Lord in their lives, and acted on it.
The creators hope to create a dialogue of how everyone feels and demonstrates faith in their own lives.
“Having conversations about faith and women’s roles has been both enlightening and empowering,” said Anna Hargadon, one of the film’s producers and actors. “It has been a unique blessing to talk with our audience about their faith—wonderful things can happen when we connect through stories and discussion.”
Our own lives are so busy, we often don’t have time to breathe, let alone think of what it was like to be someone else, or live in another time. But because of the world we live in, we need to look for good examples to follow. We are not alone. Others have felt as we feel. And daily faithful living can be our story as well.
Check out the video here.