Now that we’ve all had time to digest our General Women’s Meeting, I hope you are all seeing that their words have the potential to change our lives.
For me, seeing the Conference Center filled with women of all ages was so unifying, uplifting, and beautiful; it’s hard to express into words. When the young girls stood up to sing, and later as the others joined in, tears welled up in my eyes. It’s one thing to know that there are millions of believing women throughout the globe, but a whole different story to actually see it, and be a part of it.
I have never served in the Young Women, so I never learned the theme. I think I need to learn the theme, just in case I run into a hallway full of young women.
So, why do we gather together? The answer was given by Sis. Wixom: “…we gather together as His disciples, with a desire to defend and sustain the kingdom of God… We are covenant-making women of all ages walking the path of mortality back to His presence.” How wonderful to feel that testimony flow between us. Indeed, “Keeping covenants protects us, prepares us, and empowers us.”
Elder Hales was quoted as asking, “Do [we] understand… that when we are baptized [we] are changed forever?” Do we realize that because we were baptized, received the gift of the Holy Ghost, and hopefully “establish total allegiance to the kingdom of God”, we avoid the pitfall of Spiritual Prison? We have successfully prevented misery, capture by endless chain, and hopelessness. Our journey can safely lead us to the temple.
Of course, this doesn’t mean we are vaccinated against pain and suffering. This is illness that no one is immune. But if we stay true, WE WILL RECOVER! How glorious to be one with the Lord. “As individuals, we are strong. Together with God, we are unstoppable.”
Sis. Oscarson continued along the path with, “There is tremendous strength in our unity this evening. As I see all of us gathered together in the Conference Center and contemplate the thousands of others who are viewing this broadcast from locations around the world, the combined power of our testimonies and faith in Jesus Christ surely constitutes one of the most faith-filled and powerful assemblies of women in the history of the Church, if not the world.”
I love the vision of older sisters walking alongside younger sisters. For years I have tried to teach that Relief Society isn’t just for old ladies. It isn’t just for those who aren’t serving in Primary and Young Women. All women, and soon-to-be women are part of this “glorious organization.” As we serve one another, I hope we’ll admit that we need one another, and relish the bonding that occurs as a result of our unified service.
Yes, we absolutely need to not judge one another, and accept one another’s differences. We heard that clearly in our meeting. We also heard clearly that we all can participate in the priesthood when we keep our covenants through baptism and temple service. The Holy Ghost attends all of us, bringing each one comfort, power, and testimony. And we are blessed to work hand in hand with righteous brothers as we focus on unifying strength in our homes and families. The differences we experience as members should still allow us to unify, not tear us apart. Remember Pahoran in Alma 61.
Disciples “lay aside the things of the world and cleave unto [their] covenants, and come unto Christ and follow Him.” Sis. Burton reminds us that our choices to follow Christ make us “complete”. She quoted Elder Maxwell, who said, “All the easy things that the Church has had to do have been done. From now on, it’s high adventure, and followership is going to be tested in some interesting ways.” Amen!
She gave several examples of how disciples seem to stand alone in their desire to follow after righteousness. I have felt that occasionally, as the only one who refuses to go along with the crowd, or being the lone hand raised in common sense, as it were. But Relief Society disciples are gathering and strengthening all over the world. It was evidenced in this meeting. We have each other’s back as we go “forth boldly, doing what disciples do—serving and loving like the Savior.”
I have every instance of “Here am I, send me” marked in my scriptures. This seems to be the clarion call for those who are willing to give up their will and serve the Lord with their entire hearts. I say “Here am I” as I step forward in righteousness.
President Eyring started his talk reminding us of the “spiritual power” that surrounded us that night. He referred to our “great sister leaders” and their powerful, inspiring words. As we take in their words, we are all under covenant to help and reach out to one another. He warned us “while Satan may be attacking sisters at earlier ages, the Lord is lifting sisters to higher and higher levels of spirituality.” I hope you feel that spirituality in your lives. If not, reach higher and deeper. The Lord is waiting to extend this great gift to all those who wish to be called His.
Let us all remember that we are daughters and sisters “in the covenant” of righteousness. Join with us at Mormon Women Stand, where you will enjoy the community of other faithful Relief Society sisters. When you desire after righteous things, you are never alone, and your life will truly be changed forever.
Lovely post Jan 🙂
Thank you for the wonderful recap of the broadcast. I felt so uplifted by the spirit of unity and sisterhood there. We met at our branch building, there were nine of us together. As I watched I felt so homesick! For a larger unit, for my Heavenly Home, for peace and rest. I’m so grateful for the miracles of technology that allowed us all to be together for a little while.