We, as holy women, are participators in the Holy Order of the Priesthood. We partake in the blessings and can be blessed throughout our lives because the priesthood is on the earth today. Here are Elder Bruce R. McConkie’s 10 blessings of the priesthood (Oct. 1977) with some of my own personal thoughts.
1. We are members of the only true and living Church upon the face of the whole earth, and we have received the fullness of the everlasting gospel.
My membership in this Church is not just my name on a piece of paper. What really makes me a member is where my heart sits. As I have studied, prayed, and obeyed, my heart has opened toward the things of God and I have felt His presence in my life. My heart is full-to-overflowing of the everlasting gospel.
2. We have received the gift of the Holy Ghost, and we are entitled to receive the gifts of the spirit—those wondrous spiritual endowments which set us apart from the world and raise us above carnal things.
When we were confirmed and received the laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost, we were promised that we could receive Him and His direction into our lives, but it is up to us to call upon Him. As we grow and mature in the gospel, the goal is to have the Holy Ghost to be with us almost always, not just occasionally. It is through our efforts of obedience, prayer, and submission that we receive this great blessing.
3. We can be sanctified by the Spirit, have dross and evil burned out of us as though by fire, become clean and spotless, and be fit to dwell with gods and angels.
Have you ever met a person, male or female, who felt clean? Standing next to them, you felt like a better person? Have you ever felt that you yourself might be able to stand the presence of the Savior without cringing or hiding? As we live our lives each day overcoming tests and trials, changing our hearts, striving and drawing closer to our Savior, He will burn us clean. What a magnificent blessing! All because of the priesthood.
4. We can stand in the place and stead of the Lord Jesus Christ in administering salvation to the children of men.
Where men use the priesthood to ordain, bless, and heal, women too have the responsibility to teach, train, and love. All of these together help build the kingdom of God and bring to pass the salvation of the children of men.
5. We have power to become the sons of God, to be adopted into the family of the Lord Jesus Christ, to have Him as our Father, to be one with Him as he is one with his Father.
As a daughter of God, we are His beloved children. Heavenly Father loves us and wants us to return to Him in glory. We have the power to make that choice and to rise above the things of the world and back into His presence.
6. We can enter into the patriarchal order, the order of eternal marriage, the order which enables the family unit to continue everlastingly in celestial glory.
We all come from or create families. There is a long linking chain that makes up the family of our Heavenly Parents and each of us is a part of that chain. Because of the priesthood, we can see beyond this world and enjoy the hope of an everlasting celestial glory. Do we worry about the little details that appear to cut us out? If we are worthy, no blessing will be kept from us.
7. We have power to govern all things, both temporal and spiritual kingdoms of the world, and the elements and storms and powers of the earth.
The prophet holds all the keys of the priesthood on this earth. As long as we are righteous, we will have the power of that protection. Priesthood power comes only through righteousness.
8. We have power, through the priesthood, to gain eternal life, the greatest of all the gifts of God.
All of us have been blessed with certain gifts of the Spirit. These are mighty gifts. We even have the ability to ask for additional gifts, again through our righteousness. God has not left us alone. He has sent His Only Begotten Son to save us if we will live righteously and accept this greatest of all gifts.
9. We have power to make our calling and election sure, so that while we yet dwell in mortality, having overcome the world and been true and faithful in all things, we shall be sealed up unto eternal life and have the unconditional promise of eternal life in the presence of Him whose we are.
If we are righteous, we can return to our Heavenly Home. But even while still on this earth we can become righteous enough to become completely holy. Think of that, if we accept our trials and let the Lord burn away our sins, we can become refined enough in this world of sorrow.
10. We have the power—and it is our privilege—so to live, that becoming pure in heart, we shall see the face of God while we yet dwell as mortals in a world of sin and sorrow.
We sometimes wonder if the prophet and apostles have seen the face of God, but do we realize any of us could reach a point of having that manifestation ourselves? Do you see it in others?
The blessings of the priesthood are real. They are for each one of Heavenly Father’s children. He loves us. And to show Him of our love, we must live our lives so that we can be worthy to receive these wondrous blessings.
Thank you for this post! I’ll be using it as an outline for my YW lesson this Sunday!
Thank you for sharing this, it will work perfect for my lesson in RS next month.
Thank you. Yes, we need to start talking more about the power of the priesthood, which we all share in. Good luck with your lesson.