Now that Ordain Women is no longer the “hot topic” it was, what is left? What questions remain unanswered? Where are women looking for answers? Who has the right answers? What next?
For me, the answers will always come from the servants of Heavenly Father, be it ancient or modern-day scripture. So many of us have our own opinions, backgrounds, and ideas; but God will always speak His mind through his prophets. It is I who must turn a listening ear.
As women, we have been told that we must stand stronger than ever. Satan is out to get us and instead of blaming him, we need to fight him with eternal moral standards, knowledge, and testimony. Elder M. Russell Ballard has been very vocal on this topic and I would like to quote much of what he said from an address called “Let Us Think Straight” at BYU’s Education Week in 2013.
First of all, he compared the pioneers to our day. The pioneers had conviction because of (1) their faith, (2) their own study and knowledge of the Book of Mormon, and (3) their unwavering acceptance of Joseph Smith as the prophet of this dispensation.
The early Saints had recently become converted to the gospel through faith in Jesus Christ, and with answers that had been lost for centuries. They recognized truth and acted on it by leaving their old life (which in some cases included family members) and stepping into a brand new, unknown lifestyle, which demanded their utmost faith. Many of us have faith during the good times, but what of the not-so-good times? The pioneers who traveled west showed their faith in all times.
For the early converts of the Church, it was the Book of Mormon that called out to them. Studying the scriptures is essential to our gospel knowledge, but it is the Book of Mormon that we must study, ponder, and understand fully, for this is the scripture meant for our day. This year we are studying the Old Testament, but we should still be referring regularly to the Book of Mormon as we search and ponder the answers to our personal questions.
From the records we have collected, we can see that Joseph Smith received revelations and concepts unknown to the world at the time. But Do We Believe What He Taught Was Of God? Many records of others have described Joseph as a striking human being. His countenance was pure, his voice was powerful, his eyes were piercing, and his heart was full of love for all people. Was he a charismatic leader or was he a prophet of God? Even though we can’t see him personally to taste his character for ourselves, we can still believe his words and know that he truly restored The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints back onto the earth. And each subsequent prophet too carries that mantel of preaching the words of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
People will come and go, challenging us on one or more of these three points and our testimonies will need to be strong enough to recognize them for what they are and not let their words shake us from our knowledge. The only way to be strong enough is to keep each point active and foremost in our minds.
Elder Ballard stated:
Most everyone has family or friends who have been caught up in various troubling contemporary social issues. Arguing about the issues generally does not bring any resolution and, in fact, can create contention. There are some questions about the Church’s position on sensitive issues that are hard to answer to anyone’s satisfaction.
Do we have a responsibility to teach truth to even those who don’t believe as we do? Would you try to save a stranger’s child running out in the middle of the road in heavy traffic? Yes! We have an obligation—and a love—that drives us to look out for one another. What if the stranger/parent were to get upset at you for touching their child? Would you suddenly be wrong?
The answer Elder Ballard offered is:
Brothers and sisters, this matter, like many others, comes down to our faith. Do we believe that this is the Lord’s Church? Do we believe that He has organized it according to His purposes and wisdom? Do we believe that His wisdom far exceeds ours? Do we believe that He has organized His Church in a manner that would be the greatest possible blessing to all of His children, both His sons and His daughters?
This most recent contention was women not being able to hold the priesthood. This fight may not be over. Years, and even centuries ago, women felt they needed to become liberated in order to hold to certain inalienable rights. Where much was justified, because of the wickedness and usurpment of men and society, holding the priesthood is an unrelated subject. Power of the Priesthood does not come by way of the biggest baddest bully in a society. It comes from Heavenly Father, whose plan incorporates all of His children to accomplish His work on the earth.
Elder Ballard pleads with the women of the Church:
We need now for you women of the Church to know the doctrine of Christ and to bear testimony of the Restoration in every way that you can. Never has there been a more complex time in the history of the earth. Satan and his minions have been perfecting the weapons in their arsenal for millennia, and they are experienced at destroying faith and trust in God and in the Lord Jesus Christ among the human family.
…We need more of the distinctive, influential voices and faith of women. We need you to learn the doctrine and to understand what we believe so that you can bear your testimonies about the truth of all things—whether those testimonies be given around a campfire at girls’ camp, in a testimony meeting, in a blog, or on Facebook. Only you can show the world what women of God who have made covenants look like and believe.
…We must all defend our Savior and testify that He is the Christ, that His Church has been restored to the earth, and that there is such a thing as right and wrong.
…We need clear minds so that the Holy Ghost can teach us what to do and what to say.
…The power of a converted woman’s voice is immeasurable, and the Church needs your voices now more than ever.
It was always a false claim that women were not needed, or less valued, in the Church. It is our responsibility as women to speak up and speak out. Prepare yourselves to be useful and you will be used for good.
I have studied for myself. I know Jesus Christ is the Savior of the World and Joseph Smith was the first prophet of this Dispensation to restore the gospel. Pres. Monson speaks for the Lord today and he needs us to know where we stand so we can help fulfill the mission of this Church, which includes speaking up and saving souls, to prepare for the Coming of the Lord.