Have you heard about the #MeetMyGrandma social media campaign? From September 20-30th, you are invited to go to FamilySearch.org and submit a story about your grandmother.
I would like to share my story here, while encouraging you to share your story as well. Be sure to go and submit your story within the ten-day time period.
My grandmother, Jeanne Seguin Argault, was from Auxerre, France. As a young mother trying to make ends meet she needed to be creative in providing for her family. Her husband had recently purchased a cow, so she decided she could learn how to make butter and sell it. Having never done this before, she went to the library to check out a book on making butter and proceeded to practice this new craft.
Soon it was time for the yearly fair and she decided to enter her butter. She won first place!
Not only do I see her determination, gumption, and courage, I also see where I learned how to love books. Books are not just based on pleasure reading, but they are where to find knowledge and truth. This is how she became a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, by reading and recognizing the truth in the Book of Mormon. She never stopped enjoying books. She taught my mother to love books, and I have always been a book reader; not just for pleasure, but to learn and understand things better. I love knowing this story for the heritage and connection I feel with her.
Be sure to share your story. Go to FamilySearch.org/MeetMyGrandma.